Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 14.10.21 | 11:15

Zaev sees a deal with Bulgaria by the end of the year, says his Bulgarian colleagues privately acknowledge terms such as “Macedonian language”

At the opening of the Economist conference in Skopje, Zoran Zaev said that he sees a large increase in the chances to resolve his dispute with Bulgaria after the elections in both countries. Zaev insisted that the EU assured him that issues of national identity and the Macedonian language won’t...

Macedonia 14.10.21 | 10:00

Bulgarian PM Stoev announces a new treaty with Macedonia, no word from Zaev about its content

The Zaev Government still has not addressed the announcement from Bulgaria’s interim Prime Minister Svetlan Stoev, that it’s possible a new treaty to be signed by the Foreign Ministers. Negotiations between Skopje and Sofia are on-going, and the Bulgarian texts and proposals are submitted....

Macedonia 11.10.21 | 14:47

New provocation from Bulgaria: The Macedonian Orthodox Church is called a “non-existent church”

Bulgaria’s provocations towards Macedonia and the Macedonian people do not stop. Now it is an article in the Bulgarian “Trud” newspaper entitled “In defense of the Bulgarian Church in Macedonia”, by Spas Tasev – a member of the history institute of the Bulgarian Academy...

Macedonia 09.10.21 | 18:35

Bulgaria to lift travel restrictions for Macedonian citizens on Sunday

Foreign Affairs Minister, Bujar Osmani, informed via Facebook Bulgaria will lift its travel restrictions for Macedonian citizens on Sunday. With the last decision, Macedonia has been moved from red to orange zone, informed Osmani. The ban is lifted for all those who have a Covid-19 vaccination certificate...

Macedonia 08.10.21 | 13:30

Mickoski: Zaev keeps creating new problems for Macedonia

Zaev is creating new problems without being aware about the consequences of his actions, said opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski during the VMRO rally in Gevgelija yesterday. Mickoski was speaking after the disastrous EU – Balkans summit, in which Bulgaria added new conditions against Macedonia...

Macedonia 08.10.21 | 10:21

“If Macedonia amends its Constitution to include the Bulgarians, Bulgaria should do so as well”

If Macedonia is asked to amend its Constitution and include the Bulgarians in it, why shouldn’t we ask Bulgari to do the same and include Macedonians in its Constitution, asked Aleksandar Krzalovski, director of the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation. This demand is currently raised...

Macedonia 07.10.21 | 17:21

Geroski: Osmani’s claim that Bulgaria moves away from it position “one nation living in two states” is a lie and rough manipulation

Bujar Osmani’s claim that with the demand the Bulgarians be added to the Macedonian Constitution, Bulgaria moves away from it position “one nation living in two states” is a lie and rough manipulation, says journalist Branko Geroski. The roadmap covering the five plus one points as...

Macedonia 07.10.21 | 15:53

Bulgaria demands a level of minority rights protection that far surpasses its own standards

While Bulgaria put forward a long list of demands from Macedonia, including having a given number of ethnic Bulgarians registered in the Macedonian census, its own standards fall far short in the protection fo minority rights. EU veto: Bulgaria states its short term and long term demands from Macedonia Bulgaria...

Macedonia 07.10.21 | 15:40

Zaev declared that he accepts most of the Bulgarian demands

After the disastrous EU – Balkans summit, where Bulgaria issued a long list of strict demands aimed at Macedonia, Zoran Zaev today quickly agreed to one of them – that the Macedonian Constitution is amended and the Bulgarians are listed among the other constituent nations of Macedonia. This...

Macedonia 07.10.21 | 13:06

Osmani quickly agrees to the Bulgarian request for changes in the Macedonian Constitution – insists that with it, Bulgaria is dropping its claim on the Macedonian nation

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani promptly agreed to the Bulgarian demand that the Bulgarian nation is added to the Macedonian Constitution. This demand is not contrary to our interests, because I think that, with it, Bulgaria is moving away from its irrational position (that the Macedonians and Bulgarians...

Macedonia 07.10.21 | 12:57

Bulgaria is forcing Macedonia to amend its Constitution

The result of the much awaited meetings between Zoran Zaev and Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, mediated by Merkel, Macron, Michel, Jansa and Varhelyi, the Bulgarian position toward Macedonia has gotten significantly harder and more intrusive. In a lengthy interview from Slovenia, President Radev outlined...

Macedonia 07.10.21 | 10:41

EU veto: Bulgaria states its short term and long term demands from Macedonia

The result of the much awaited meetings between Zoran Zaev and Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, mediated by Merkel, Macron, Michel, Jansa and Varhelyi, the Bulgarian position toward Macedonia has gotten significantly harder and more intrusive. In a lengthy interview from Slovenia, President Radev outlined...

Macedonia 06.10.21 | 15:39

Zaev suffers another EU fiasco as Bulgaria actually hardens its positions after the meeting mediated by Merkel and Macron

Following his meeting with Zoran Zaev, that was mediated by Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev reiterated his hardline position that Bulgaria will continue to block Macedonia from openings its EU accession talks. Radev said that Macedonia must do away with its “Macedonianness”...

Macedonia 30.09.21 | 19:23

Greece disagrees with Bulgaria’s veto against Macedonia

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said that he does not agree with the Bulgarian veto of Macedonia’s EU accession, and that the process of admitting the Balkans to the EU should be sped up. We agreed that the integration process of the Western Balkans should be integrated quicker, so that...

Macedonia 30.09.21 | 18:54

Kyuchyuk: There is still time to reach agreement between Macedonia and Bulgaria before the end of the year

Bulgarian member of the European Parliament Ilhan Kyuchyuk, who is the rapporteur for Macedonia, said that he expects an agreement between the two countries that would be comprehensive and legally binding. There is still time until the end of the year for positive development, but both countries need...

Balkans 29.09.21 | 16:49

Bulgaria could have an even more fractured Parliament after the November elections

Polls show that seven parties will win seats in the Bulgarian Parliament at the November elections. Boyko Borisov’s GERB party leads with 21.4 percent. The ITN protest party that was in top two in the inconclusive elections in April and July, has now collapsed to fourth place with just 12 percent...

Macedonia 29.09.21 | 12:09

Bulgaria’s Foreign Ministry hands note of protest to acting head of mission in Macedonia’s embassy

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry has handed over a note of protest to acting chargé d’affaires at Macedonia’s embassy involving a replacement of a Bulgarian monument located in Macedonia, MIA’s Sofia correspondent reports. As MIA’s Sofia correspondent reports, at today’s meeting at the Ministry,...

Macedonia 28.09.21 | 20:48

Zaev insists that he won’t negotiate on national identity issues with Bulgaria

During his remarks with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today, Zoran Zaev insisted that while he hopes an agreement will be reached with Bulgaria by the end of the year, it will not interfere with the Macedonian national identity. Bulgaria blocks Macedonia from opening EU accession...

Macedonia 25.09.21 | 18:31

Zaev: No monument will be removed

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev reiterated that the removal of Bulgarian from the fascist occupation designation from the monuments opens the way for resolving the dispute, but that does not mean erasing history. No one can deny or forget history, but it depends on all of us whether we will lend a hand to...

Macedonia 24.09.21 | 14:55

Mickoski on the Bulgarian occupation row: We will not allow changes to the history books

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called on Bulgaria to send officials to Macedonia to apologize for the occupation during the Second World War – instead of demanding changes to the Macedonian history books. Zoran Zaev announced that he is prepared to accept some of the Bulgarian demands,...
