Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 02.02.21 | 22:55

Zaharieva asked why doesn’t Bulgaria give Serbia the same treatment it gives to Macedonia

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva was asked by a journalist why does the country veto Macedonia from opening EU accession talks, but doesn’t also stop Serbia, with whom Bulgaria has a long standing rivalry. In response, Zaharieva acknowledged that Sofia has a different position on...

Macedonia 02.02.21 | 19:53

Igor Spasov’s girlfriend reported him to the Bulgarian police

Former police officer Igor Spasov, sentenced to 14 years in prison for the horrific murder of 22 year old Martin Neskovski in 2011, was arrested owing to a police report made by his girlfriend. Spasov received lenient treatment from the Zaev regime after he was used to willify VMRO-DPMNE, and used it...

Macedonia 31.01.21 | 10:40

Croatian MP asks his Government to stand up to Bulgaria on behalf of Macedonia

Croatian member of Parliament Bojan Glavasevic called on his country to stand up for Macedonia in the dispute with Bulgaria, stating that it is Croatia’s obligation as the newest EU member state. Glavasevic, a left-wing independent, asked the Government what is it doing in the course of the dispute...

Macedonia 29.01.21 | 19:16

Dimitrov: Bulgaria doesn’t want to sign any document that states “Macedonian language”

The Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs, Nikola Dimitrov, said at Friday’s conference “The role of the media and civil society organizations in the integration process” that there is an obvious interest in the European Union in signing Macedonia’s agreement with Frontex...

Macedonia 29.01.21 | 10:33

Zaharieva accuses Macedonia of seeking closer ties with Serbia

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva condemned Zoran Zaev for his announcement that he will reintroduce Serbian language studies in elementary schools. “Macedonia clearly hasn’t severed ties with Serbia”, she said. Zaev’s nod to Serbia reveals the extent of Bulgaria’s...

Macedonia 28.01.21 | 10:23

Zaev angers Bulgaria with his pledge to expand Serbian language lessons in Macedonia

A pledge from Zoran Zaev to reintroduce teaching of the Serbian language in schools caused an angry reaction in Bulgaria. Zaev made the promise during the celebration of the feast of St. Sava, an Orthodox saint especially honored by the Serbs. We will go a step further and we will restore the teaching...

Macedonia 27.01.21 | 14:36

Zaev careful not to mention Bulgaria in his Holocaust Remembrance Day message

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev issued a very carefully worded statement on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, careful not to make any mention of Bulgaria, under whose command the deportation of the Macedonian Jews was carried out in 1943. Macedonia is tied in a deep historic dispute with Bulgaria...

Macedonia 26.01.21 | 11:30

Pendarovski promises Bulgaria that Macedonia will not try to install “some kind of a Macedonian minority”

President Stevo Pendarovski vowed not to interfere in Bulgarian internal affairs over the issue of minority rights, referring to Macedonians in Bulgaria as “some kind of minority”. In an interview, he did insist that there are Macedonians living in Greece, though. Bulgaria is adamant that...

News 25.01.21 | 13:05

Former Bulgarian intelligence chief warns of coming pressure from the Biden administration on the Macedonia issue

Former Bulgarian intelligence chief Dimo Gjurov warned that the country could face pressure from the US to relent in the historic dispute with Macedonia. According to Gjurov, Bulgaria should be ready for demands from the Biden administration, asking it to explain the policy of blocking Macedonia’s...

Macedonia 22.01.21 | 20:25

Zaev: I did not believe that there would be a veto from Bulgaria

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said in Friday’s interview with the “Triling” show on TV 24 that he wanted full recognition by Bulgaria, without disputing the roots. I did not believe that there would be a veto. Although I was the first to inform the people that this was also an option. We...

Macedonia 22.01.21 | 11:19

Macedonian and Bulgarian historians will hold a technical meeting

The joint Macedonian – Bulgarian committee of historians is meeting today for what is expected to be a technical meeting. The work of the committee is stalled as the Bulgarian demands for concessions continue to grow and Macedonian historians opted to avoid meeting rather than be pressured. Several...

Macedonia 20.01.21 | 18:43

Zaev: With Bulgaria we are negotiating about the name, about hate speech and minority issues

Regarding the growing dispute with Bulgaria, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that the issues that are now being debated include the minority issues, the name that will be used, hateful speech between the countries and historic issues. Zaev insisted that he will not negotiate about the Macedonian national...

Macedonia 19.01.21 | 23:00

EU ambassadors to Macedonia urged Zaev to “complete the process with Bulgaria” as soon as possible

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev held a video conference with EU member states ambassadors to Macedonia today, led by EU Ambassador David Geer, which was dominated by the dispute with Bulgaria. According to the Government press release, the ambassadors urged that the process with Bulgaria is completed as soon...

Macedonia 19.01.21 | 15:10

According to Zaev, the Action Plan is ready and its implementation is underway, while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says it is yet to be harmonized

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev obviously does not even inform his own government about the decisions he takes regarding the Bulgaria dispute. His statements are contradictory and inconsistent with the government statements regarding what has been agreed and whether there is an Action Plan that should be implemented,...

Macedonia 18.01.21 | 20:38

We will not negotiate on matters of national identity and history with Bulgaria, Mickoski tells DW

The Macedonian national identity, language and history can’t be open for negotiations with Bulgaria, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski in an interview with the Macedonian office of Deutsche Welle. Mickoski spoke to the news outlet before his planned visits to Budapest, Ljubljana and...

Macedonia 15.01.21 | 17:04

Vevcani municipality condemns burning of Bulgarian flag at the carnival

The Municipality of Vevcani strongly condemns the act of burning the flag of the Republic of Bulgaria during the Vevcani Carnival, the Mayor Saso Jankoski said on Friday. This act, according to him, does not correspond to the position of the Municipality and the largest percentage of its population. On...

Macedonia 15.01.21 | 10:42

Bulgaria protests the burning of its flag during the carnival in Vevcani

Bulgarian Ambassador to Macedonia Angel Angelov sent a protest note to the Government after the Bulgarian flag was burnt during the Vevcani carnival. The ancient celebration held each year on the feast of St. Basil includes wearing of masks that date back to the pagan times, but also contemporary masks...

Macedonia 14.01.21 | 22:12

Mickoski: Karakachanov and Zaharieva confirmed that there are additional 12 requests from Bulgaria that Zaev is hiding from the public, and the government is still lying to the people

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, referred Thursday in an interview with TV Sitel to the additional 12 requests from Bulgaria, saying that he had publicly said in October that there were additional requests and that those requests were formulated as a non-paper, guideline or annex and that...

Macedonia 14.01.21 | 17:22

Bulgaria fails to give vaccines to Filipce, despite his begging

All the COVID-19 vaccines arriving in the country will be certified and safe. The application plan will be designed according to the distribution plan, said Venko Filipce on Thursday. We have been communicating intensively with the “Pfizer” company in the past period because at this moment...

Macedonia 14.01.21 | 10:21

Removal of historian from the joint commission and his replacement with an ethnic Albanian indicates that Zaev is preparing for more concessions toward Bulgaria

History professor Aleksandar Litovski told Fokus that he was removed from the joint commission formed with Bulgaria, and that he did not receive explanation from the Government why was he replaced. Government sources simply said that Litovski was appointed there until the end of 2020, and the appointment...
