Tag: dksk
Macedonia 11.09.23 | 19:12

Step backwards in the transparency of public hiring

The DKSK Anti-Corruption Commission accused the Government of reducing the level of transparency available through the Open Fianance tool. Open Finance does not provide information about public sector hiring done through hiring companies that act as intermediaries. In this case, the public records only...

Macedonia 01.09.23 | 18:21

Osmani decides to cooperate with the DKSK commission in the latest corruption scandal to involve the DUI party

Even after First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi dismissed the DKSK Anti-Corruption Commission as incompetent, his colleague, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani decided to cooperate with the corruption fighting institution. Osmani sent the materials linked with the latest corruption scandal that involves...

Macedonia 29.08.23 | 22:23

Anti-Corruption Commission is investigating the suspicious OSCE linked contract

Biljana Ivanovska, head of the DKSK Anti-Corruption Commission, confirmed that they will begin an investigation into the 1.8 million EUR contract awarded by the Foreign Ministry to a construction company for the coming OSCE conference in Skopje. Minister Bujar Osmani (DUI) awarded the contract to the...

Macedonia 27.08.23 | 20:30

Anti-Corruption Commission will investigate the OSCE conference scandal involving Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani

The State Anti-Corruption Commission will investigate how a company from Zelino, linked to the DUI party, won a major contract from Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani (DUI). The Eurovia company, owned by Eljmedin Ademi, nephew of former top DUI official Abdulakim Ademi, won the 1.8 million EUR contract to...

Macedonia 05.08.23 | 08:44

Anti-Corruption Commission calls for an investigation in the Karpos Council after the latest Pucko Petrol scandal 

The State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) called for investigations against all involved in the recent changes of the Karpos spatial plans, and for the dissoluton of the Karpos municipal council. The reason is the approval given to a company owned by Ismail Jahoski, member of Parliament from DUI and...

Macedonia 21.07.23 | 16:27

Investigation urgently needed in the birth certificates scandal

Following reports from the State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK), that the process of digitalization of birth certificates was done by a foreign company with poor security protocols, VMRO-DPMNE demands an investigation into the entire scandal. DKSK warned that personal data of a huge number of Macedonian...

Macedonia 20.07.23 | 14:26

Key state institutions sever ties after revelations that state prosecutors helped DUI businessman make millions in profit

The office of state prosecutors (OJO) announced today that they will stop cooperation with the State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) – a key body that investigates reports of corruption and recommends prosecution. The two institutions only recently signed a memorandum of cooperation, under strong...

Macedonia 27.02.23 | 17:31

Anti-Corruption Commission is investigating Artan Grubi

The State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) announced that it has begun an investigation into the property of First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi. VMRO-DPMNE recently called out Grubi over several corruption scandals, that include regulatory changes in a public institution ran by a DUI party official...

Macedonia 03.01.23 | 22:32

Designated prosecutor will investigate cases brought forward by the Anti-Corruption Commission

The Public Prosecutor’s office named a prosecutor whose task will be to support the work of the State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK). DKSK has the right to investigate allegations of corruption and conflict of interest, but can only recommend to the prosecutors to investigate their findings...

Macedonia 31.10.22 | 14:58

VMRO reveals names of new SDSM officials who are trying to conceal property

VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Brane Petrusevski accused the State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) of undermining the investigation into the recent revelations that SDSM party officials are hiding significant property they have amassed and are not reporting it to the Commission for scrutiny. Petrusevski...

Macedonia 15.02.22 | 21:50

Anti-Corruption Commission calls for an investigation into the former Mayor of Gazi Baba

The State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) called for na investigation in the activities of former Gazi Baba Mayor Borce Georgievski. The Commission blames Georgievski of confilct of interest hwen he approved the construction of a new Volvo car dealership. DKSK also said that the Mayor of Studenicani...

Macedonia 27.01.22 | 15:15

Work done by independent corruption watchdog remains ignored by the state prosecutors

Of the 165 proposals for criminal charges that were submitted by the State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) in the entire history of this institution, only three have reached the court, DKSK President Biljana Ivanovska said today. The Commission can investigate allegations of corruption, conflict of...

Macedonia 16.11.21 | 21:19

Carrot and stick: Criminal charges proposed against an Alternative Party member of Parliament just as they are deliberating whether to join the Zaev coalition

The DKSK anti-corruption commission today proposed that criminal charges are filed against Husni Ismaili – the former Culture Minister in Zaev’s Government. According to DKSK, Ismaili abused his position when he signed contracts from the annual plan for subsidizing cultural events. DKSK did...

Macedonia 26.07.21 | 12:25

Anti-Corruption Commission challenges the “Bechtel law” before the Constitutional Court

The State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) challenged the “Bechtel law” before the Constitutional Court. Under the law, the US construction giant is given exclusive right to build three significant highway links in Macedonia – Gostivar – Kicevo, Prilep – Bitola and from...

Macedonia 16.07.21 | 15:20

President Pendarovski promptly signed the “Bechtel law” – the main corruption watchdog will now try to challenge it before the Constitutional Court

President Stevo Pendarovski today promptly signed the special law that will grant exclusive right to the US Bechtel corporation to build three highways in Macedonia. The US diplomacy strongly backs the plan, even as the main anti-corruption watchdog in Macedonia warned that the no-bid procedure will...

Macedonia Economy 16.07.21 | 13:23

Anti-Corruption Commission calls on President Pendarovski not to sign the law that would give Bechtel exclusive right to build three highways

The State Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) called on President Stevo Pendarovski not to sign the proposed law tailor made to give exclusive right to the US Bechtel company to build several key highways in Macedonia. DKSK protests the fact that the highways would be built in no-bid procedures, excluding...

Macedonia 22.04.21 | 15:00

Anti-Corruption Commission calls for an investigation into the huge development plan for downtown Skopje

The Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) asked public prosecutors to initiate an investigation into the large real-estate project planned near the GTC mall in Skopje, in which three high-rises and a large new shopping mall are scheduled to be built by businessman Zoran Antic together with the Macedonian...

Macedonia 11.03.21 | 14:21

Corruption watchdogs call for investigation into Zaev’s Chinese vaccines deal

The Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) decided to investigate the failed purchase of 200,000 Sinopharm vaccines from China. The deal is the center of a major new corruption scandal involving the Zaev regime, after it was revealed that Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce tried to use a shell company registered...

News 01.02.21 | 23:21

“Corruption has become a way of life, Transparency International report needs to be taken seriously”

Slagjana Taseva, head of the Transparency International – Macedonia organization, said that the latest report of the organization which caused a shock in the country is based on seven investigations conducted during 2019 and 2020. The report found Macedonia ranked 111th based on the prevalence...

Macedonia 27.01.21 | 16:07

Anti-Corruption chief tries get tough with the Government – but only when her own interests are threatened

If the head of the Anti-Corruption Commission (DKSK) Biljana Ivanovska wanted to ingratiate herself with the Government, the attempt clearly failed. Appointed two years ago, Ivanovska would publicly propose investigations into some of the many cases of open corruption and abuse of office by the Zaev...
