Tag: gordana
Economy 02.07.24 | 09:15

Wasteful spending: 30 person delegations were sent to Brussels, where just two would have been enough

Newly elected Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrieska – Kocoska revealed details of profilgate public spending in the previous years. In a TV interview, she said that the Government still has an outlay for Covid management. The European Affairs Secretariat, she added, would organize conferences in...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 21:23

Siljanovska maintains her double lead over Pendarovski

An updated projection by the State Electoral Commission, with 62 percent of the votes counted, shows Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova leading Stevo Pendarovski with 64 percent of the vote against 29.5 percent. Siljanovska has over 320,000 votes while Pendarovski is at 148,500 votes. The ratio holds...

Macedonia 06.05.24 | 19:21

Final pre-election debate between Siljanovska and Pendarovski (LIVE VIDEO)

Presidential candidates Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova (VMRO-DPMNE) and Stevo Pendarovski (SDSM) are facing off this evening in the last presidential debate before the period of pre-election silence goes into effect. You can follow the Kanal 5 debate live, here.  

Economy 24.03.24 | 13:54

VMRO-DPMNE promises 3 billion EUR in infrastructure investments, and a 7.5 percent unemployment rate

A number of economic experts from VMRO-DPMNE presented the party’s economic program, as part of its Platform #1198, that will be implemented in the coming four years, if VMRO-DPMNE wins the elections. Party Vice President Gordana Dimitrievska – Kocovska said that the platform will aim to...

Macedonia 02.03.24 | 14:52

VMRO-DPMNE nominates Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova as their presidential candidate (LIVE)

VMRO-DPMNE is holding a conference in which Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova is expected to be formally nominated as the party’s presidential candidate. Round tables are taking place at the Skopje Philharmonic hall, in which top party officials will announce the positions for the coming elections,...

Economy 20.01.24 | 17:58

VMRO reveals tax fraud scheme leading to companies in Strumica

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Gordana Dimitrieska Kocoska revealed a new scandal involving abuses in the UJP tax authority. According to Dimitrieska, a number of companies registered in Strumica – the stronghold of former SDSM party leader Zoran Zaev – were recently set up and immediately began...

Economy 25.12.22 | 09:29

VMRO-DPMNE makes public the favorable gas purchase offer that was declined by the Government

VMRO-DPMNE yesterday presented the offer the Swiss based PGO energy trader made to Macedonia, that would’ve greatly reduced energy prices in the country. For several months VMRO has been claiming that the SDSM led Government is deliberately purchasing more expensive gas from politically linked...

Economy 11.03.22 | 16:06

Reduction of the excise tax will also reduce unproductive public spending

This Government increased the gas excise tax three times but now offers fuzzy math when it needs to help our citizens, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Gordaba Dimitrieska – Kocoska. The increase in prices began to intensify in 2021 but the SDSM – DUI Government remained irresponsible and while...

Macedonia 31.01.22 | 22:27

Mucunski and Dimitrieska promise to work to help improve the country

Newly elected Vice Presidents of VMRO-DPMNE Timco Mucunski and Gordana Dimitrieska – Kocoska expressed their gratitude to the Central Committee this evening. I stand before a new challenge that won’t be easy. But when it comes to Macedonia and the future of our children, there is no hesitation,...

Macedonia 31.01.22 | 20:07

VMRO-DPMNE elects two new Vice Presidents, expands its Executive Committee

Timco Mucunski and Gordana Dimitrievska – Kocovska were elected as two additional Vice Presidents of the VMRO-DPMNE party. They will join Aleksandar Nikoloski and Vladimir Misajlovski in this capacity. We elected two relatively young people with a wealth of experience behind them, said party leader...

Macedonia 22.09.20 | 12:05

In light of the twin crises in Macedonia, VMRO bolsters its Executive Committee with top financial and epidemiology experts

The new members of the VMRO-DPMNE Executive Committee include noted experts in the areas where Macedonia is struggling particularly badly at the moment – the economy and public healthcare. One new member that was announced yesterday is epidemiologist Velo Markovski. During the pandemic, Markovski...

Macedonia 22.08.20 | 15:16

Dimitrieska: SDSM needs to answer if the Eurostandard Bank collapse was postponed until politically linked companies withdrew their deposits

Gordana Dimitrieska – Kocoska asked whether the ruling SDSM party was deliberately delaying the unravelling of the troubled Eurostandard Bank until political insiders were able to collect their deposits. The bank, owned by oligarch Trifun Kostovski, collapsed last week plunging hundreds of depositors...

Economy 08.05.20 | 22:38

Only half of the companies that applied for stimulus got any funding

Deputy Finance Minister Gordana Dimitrieska – Kocoska warned that half of the companies who applied for the coronavirus stimulus package still haven’t received any funding. The measures that were put in place will cover some of the salaries of workers in companies who had a serious drop in...

Macedonia 10.03.20 | 21:08

VMRO will have two distinguished persons from outside the party leading its lists of candidates

VMRO-DPMNE has decided to reach out beyond its party ranks and nominate two distinguished individuals who are not party members as heads of electoral lists. Law Faculty professor Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova will lead the list in the 1st district that covers much of central Skopje. Siljanovska...

Macedonia 15.02.20 | 17:26

Mizrahi’s removal causes outrage

The removal of Rasela Mizrahi from the Government sparked outrage, especially on the right, as many activists and opinion-makers came to her support. A police state punishing a person for her free speech? The interim Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski trampled the Constitution with the vote held in the...

Macedonia 15.04.19 | 11:31

Writing from prison, Cento calls on the voters to support the VMRO candidate

Political prisoner Jane Cento called on the public to support opposition candidate Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova, as the best way to begin undermining the Zaev regime and to put an end to its campaign of persecution. Cento, who is the heir of the family name of Macedonia’s first President...

Macedonia 28.02.19 | 10:20

Mickoski: VMRO won’t boycott the presidential elections, we are going to win

In a TV interview on Wednesday evening, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski rejected the possibility that the opposition party will boycott the presidential elections in an attempt to have them declared invalid and spark early general elections. Mickoski expressed his confidence that the VMRO nominee...

Macedonia 25.02.19 | 14:12

Presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska speaks about her private life in her latest interview

VMRO-DPMNE presidential nominee Gordana Siljanovska revealed details from her personal life, and discussed social issues, in an interview with Fokus magazine. In it, she speaks about her lifelong relationship with Blagoja Davkov, and how she refused a chance at post-doctoral studies in the US at the...

Macedonia 05.02.19 | 19:32

Professor Siljanovska promises to be voice of reason and justice if elected President of the Republic of Macedonia

Law professor Gordana Siljanovska Davkova published her first video address after deciding to run for President and to seek the VMRO-DPMNE nomination. Siljanovska is an outspoken critic of the Prespa Agreement to rename Macedonia into North Macedonia, and the author of a book length analysis pointing...