Tag: milososki
Macedonia 21.07.24 | 12:59

Audit shows corruption and rigged contracts in the REK Bitola coal plant

VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Antonio Milososki publicly revealed details from the latest audit report in the REK Bitola coal plant, showing that three companies were used to drain money through dubious public contracts. The audit shows that contracts in REK Bitola were secretive, without clearly defined...

Macedonia 28.01.24 | 19:17

Milososki: SDSM turned the Macedonian people into renters in their own country

Antonio Milososki was selected by VMRO-DPMNE to make the key response to the interim Government in which SDSM proposed that DUI official Talat Xhaferi is made Prime Minister. This is the first time an ethnic Albanian has held the top executive position in the country – albeit for a set period of...

Macedonia 07.09.23 | 20:46

Even though he stands to gain from the changes to the law, Milososki urged Pendarovski not to sign the decree

VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Antonio Milososki, one of the opposition MPs who face criminal prosecution by the DUI-SDSM regime, called on President Stevo Pendarovski not to sign the changes to the Criminal Code that will benefit Milososki in court. Milososki made the call this morning, but Pendarovski...

Macedonia 26.08.23 | 11:17

Milososki: Will ask all parties and coalition partners to pledge to support Macedonia’s territorial integrity

VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Antonio Milososki said that VMRO wants to cooperate with other opposition parties, including of the ethnic Albanians, but will require them to sign a pledge to support the territorial integrity of Macedonia after winning power. The comment comes after Tetovo Mayor Bilal...

Sport 08.08.23 | 21:13

Milososki: SDSM and DUI brought shame on us with the sorry state of the Skopje football stadium

After UEFA banned the use of the football pitch at the Philip II stadium in Skopje, VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki says that this is major shame on the country, brought about by the DUI – SDSM coalition. The reason is the sorry state of the grass at the stadium, which is not up to standards...

Macedonia 21.07.23 | 10:21

Milososki: DUI is pushing for the opening of the Ilovica mine

The Government changed its position on the Ilovica copper mine and now favors its opening after a businessman close to the ruling DUI party bought a significant share in the company, said VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Antonio Milososki. The public was shocked after the nominally SDSM led Government...

Macedonia 07.07.23 | 22:40

The crisis in Slupcane shows that Kovacevski is a powerless figure

Antonio Milososki from VMRO-DPMNE responded to Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski’s statement that the crisis in the village of Slupcane is a matter between a private company and its customers. The inhabitants of the majority Albanian village near Kumanovo prevented teams from EVN Macedonia to enter...

Macedonia 15.11.22 | 17:16

Controversial security chief Viktor Dimovski could lose his post in Paris after the latest passport scandal

If it is confirmed that the head of the ANB security service Viktor Dimovski abused his position when he helped Ukrainian Oleksandr Onyshchenko, it would mean that the international reputation of Macedonia is completely eroded, VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki said. ANB gave the green light that...

Macedonia 29.10.22 | 14:31

While the Government celebrates signing an EU treaty in Macedonian, the opposition points out that it is a common, decades long practice

Over the week, officials of the Kovacevski Government made a big deal out of the fact that Macedonia signed a long delayed treaty with the EU FRONTEX agency. The treaty regulates the use of FRONTEX units and resources in Macedonia, but the big issue for the Government is that it was signed in Macedonian. According...

Macedonia 07.04.22 | 20:18

Milososki: Majority of citizens want early elections

VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki said that the largest party in Macedonia is on the same page with the majority of citizens and wants early elections to take place as soon as possible. The only parties who are afraid of early elections are SDSM, DUI and some smaller parties that get benefits from...

Macedonia 30.03.22 | 16:56

Milososki: There are many reasons to doubt the results of the census

VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki gave the party’s response to the outcome of the census, that was announced today. According to Milososki, the results are a major defeat for the country, evident in all municipalities except for the capital of Skopje. Milososki also said that the census is...

Economy 05.03.22 | 12:17

Milososki: The Government won’t reimburse retirees for what it took from them over the past years

The Government owes retirees millions after it changed the way in which pensions are calculated over the past three and a half years, said VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki. The Kovacevski Government yesterday restored the model of calculating pensions based on the average wage and the cost of living....

Macedonia 02.03.22 | 16:05

Milososki warns the ruling majority to stop abusing the work of the Parliament

VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki warned against further abuse of the Parliament, as the ruling majority is trying to remove an opposition representative from the key appointments committee. The representative Fadil Zendeli from the BESA was appointed to the committee when BESA was part of the SDSM...

Macedonia 07.02.22 | 11:34

Communist era official Vlado Kambovski authored the scandalous new legal definition of slander and insult

VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki says that the author of the highly controversial attempt to extend the legal definition of slander and insult to cover mere “expression of negative opinion” is former Justice Minister Vlado Kambovski. The Justice Ministry was forced to withdraw the proposal...

Macedonia 28.01.22 | 13:56

Osmani confirms that Bulgaria has demands aimed at the Macedonian language but insists that the Government is not negotiating on that issue

Foreign Affairs Minister Bujar Osmani confirmed that Bulgaria is raising demands that are aimed at the Macedonian language, but insisted that the Government will not accept these demands. Osmani today spoke at the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament about the state of negotiations in the dispute...

Macedonia 27.01.22 | 14:35

Foreign Minister Osmani asked to testify on the state of negotiations with Bulgaria before the Parliament tomorrow

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Macedonian Parliament will meet tomorrow to discuss the growing dispute with Bulgaria. Committee Chairman Antonio Milososki called Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani to attend, and specifically to provide the written answers that Macedonia sent to a list of six demands...

Macedonia 25.12.21 | 16:35

VMRO round table: Zaev’s failed policies will continue under the new SDSM party leadership

Even with Zaev gone, the consequences of his policies will be felt for a long time, said VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki during a round table the party organized today. Milososki pointed to some of the main failures of the Zaev regime which he said have hurt Macedonia badly. The concept of Zaevism...

Macedonia 17.12.21 | 11:14

Milososki: We don’t know where the Alternative party stands

VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki said that it is still not clear where the Alternative party stands – the Afrim Gashi led party was part of the opposition bloc and supported the removal of the Zaev government, only to switch sides and announce it will join his coalition. This move hasn’t...

Macedonia 12.12.21 | 19:16

Milososki: Mickoski deserves to lead VMRO-DPMNE in the early general elections in 2022

VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki said that the Hristijan Mickoski earned his re-election as party leader, after the electoral success during the local elections. Mickoski deserves the trust of the voters in the future, and during the early general elections which we expect will take place next year,...

Macedonia 30.11.21 | 09:42

Milososki: No EU date in December, or in the first half of 2022

In the opinion of members of Parliaments from the region, it seems that Macedonia will not be given a date to open its EU accession talks in December. In response, Albania is intensifying diplomatic efforts to have its EU accession process decoupled from Macedonia, said VMRO-DPMNE official Antonio Milososki,...
