Tag: MOC
Economy 30.08.23 | 14:48

Macedonian Organization of Customers demands a freeze of the basic foodstuff prices

The prices of the basic foodstuff must be frozen, the Macedonian Organization of Customers (MOC) demands. According to MOC Chairperson Marijana Lonchar Velkova, the foodstuff takes an enormous piece of the average Macedonian family’s budget, and any rise in the prices falls exclusively on the customers’...

Macedonia 15.02.23 | 11:42

The Church of the Czech Republic and Slovakia recognized MOC as the “Orthodox Church of North Macedonia”

The Holy Synod of the Church of the Czech Republic and Slovakia decided last week to recognize the “autocephaly” of the “Orthodox Church of North Macedonia”. Following the unexpected recognition of the “autocephaly” granted by the Patriarchate of Serbia to the Church...

Balkans 15.12.22 | 13:38

Bulgarian Church recognized MOC head as “Blessed Stefan Archbishop of North Macedonia”

The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church at its regular session decided to recognize the tomos with which the Serbian Church granted autocephaly to the Macedonian Orthodox Church, MIA’s correspondent in Sofia reported. According to the decision, the BOC expresses a recommendation that the...

News Macedonia 04.07.22 | 16:26

MOC is against the French proposal, but does not go out to protest

The Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church has not discussee the new French proposal and has no position on the issue. Bishop Timotej confirmed this for “Republika.mk”. He also says that it is not the church’s job to go out on protests. We have not discussed the new proposal. It’s...

Macedonia 24.05.22 | 11:44

After a dispute lasting decades, Serbia accepts full independence of the Macedonian church

Patriarch Porfirij declared that the Serbian Orthodox Church accepts the full autocephaly – independence – of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. The decision was announced during his joint service with Macedonian Archbishop Stefan in the St. Clement of Ohrid cathedral in Skopje today. This ends...

Macedonia 19.05.22 | 10:47

LIVE VIDEO: Mass of reconciliation between the Macedonian and the Serbian church

Top religious leaders from Macedonia and Serbia are attending a joint mass in the St. Sava cathedral in Belgrade, to reconcile the two churches. Following the decision of the Ecumenical Patriarch to declare that the Macedonian church is in unity with the other Orthodox churches, this is the next step...

Macedonia 01.10.21 | 09:46

Bishop Petar: The Macedonian Church is under great pressure from the Bulgarian authorities

The old monument is not broken, but a new one has been installed and all the locals of the village of Klepac are behind it. They wanted to send a message that they do not agree with the falsification of history by Bulgaria. Yes, Duke Velko Skocivirceto and the eight of his generals died in a battle with...

Macedonia Sport 26.07.21 | 10:53

MOC insists that spouses of officials did not get free trips to the Tokyo Olympics

The long list of officials from the Macedonian Olympic Committee who joined the all expenses paid delegation to Tokyo caused outrage in the public. MOC President Daniel Dimevski, who is an adviser to Zoran Zaev, took his wife on the trip to Tokyo, as did another Zaev appointee – former handball...

Macedonia 09.02.21 | 15:25

KAS report: The coming election of the new Serbian Patriarch will determine which way the church dispute with Macedonia goes

The German Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) published a report on the dispute between the Macedonian and the Serbian orthodox churches. According to KAS religious expert Otmar Oehring, it will be up to the election of the new Serbian Patriarch to see whether the dispute can move forward to resolution. The...

Macedonia 24.12.20 | 13:04

No throwing of the holy cross for Epiphany holiday, MOC says blessing of the waters will be held in the temples

Ahead of the New Year and Christmas holidays, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric has called on the faithful to wear masks in the temples, maintain distance, and said that the Epiphany holiday should be held in the temples. In the spirit of the recommendations...

Economy 23.12.20 | 11:03

MOC also enters electricity production business

After the construction business, the Macedonian Orthodox Church is getting involved in the electricity business. MOC together with four other partners on November 25 founded a company for production of electricity, writes “IRL”. According to the news portal, besides the MOC, the founders...

Macedonia 26.10.20 | 15:18

There should be no MOC Electoral Assembly now, a moratorium should be declared

A moratorium should be declared and the Electoral Assembly of the Macedonian Olympic Committee (MOC) should be well prepared, which is scheduled for Wednesday, October 28, at 6 pm in the Skopje hotel “Alexander Palace”, said Zoran Gapic, former MOC Secretary General who he held this position...

Macedonia 03.10.20 | 09:10

The Ecumenical Patriarchate wants to resolve the issue with the MOC, but under what name?

The Ecumenical Patriarchate does not give up on resolving the church issue in Macedonia and does not intend to leave the process of resolving it, writes the Greek “Ethnikos Kirikas”. The Ecumenical Patriarchate, despite all the pressures and threats from the Russian Church and its supporters...