Among the first foreign direct investments of the new government will be an investment in energy. When it comes to the energy transition, we should keep in mind that this transition is complex and expensive. The reality is that our country is dynamic and the correct question is whether Macedonia can afford such a permanent energy organization for a long period without external support. Do we have the human resources for such a transition, and can we afford it? The social impact of the energy transition is significant, especially for people currently employed in our production facilities that use energy and produce electricity. It’s important to remember that more than 4,000 families depend on electricity production from the thermal power plants in Bitola and Oslomej, according to the president of VMRO-DPMNE and members of the new government forum.

Mickoski continued and added:

“It is easy to talk about transition, but it is not so easy when considering human lives. Closing those production facilities would significantly impact primary production, which is crucial for our system. We could face a severe energy crisis like a few years ago if we rely solely on renewable sources without adequate primary generation. As an engineer, I am not convinced that we can have a stable supply of electricity from renewable sources year-round. We need a stable and sustainable supply of electricity to ensure economic growth; otherwise, we risk brain drain, as seen with 8 out of 10 of my students leaving the country due to lack of perspective. This is a significant challenge for the government to address. Without tangible results, we will regress, and hope will fade,” Mickoski said.

Mickoski claims that with a good plan and supervision, the energy facilities can successfully complete the transition.

“The power sector is not ready yet, but with a good plan and proper supervision, we can complete this transition successfully, though it will take time. Quick results in energy are not feasible; we need precise plans with specific benchmarks,” Mickoski emphasized.

Mickoski indicated that the focus should be on producing electricity from renewable sources.

“The production of electricity from renewable sources should be our focus, but it needs to happen step by step. Quick results are not possible. It takes time, and we must keep that in mind to succeed,” Mickoski said.

Mickoski exclusively announced the first foreign direct investment, which will be in the field of energy.

“We expect the first foreign direct investments with the new government to focus on the energy sector, specifically on setting up a new wind farm in the eastern part of the country between Karbinci, Shtip, and Radovish. This significant investment is expected to produce approximately one terawatt-hour of electricity, which is about 20% of the total electricity production in the country. This will be a direct foreign investment announced by the new government in Macedonia,” Mickoski explained.

Mickoski continued by pointing out the importance of the rule of law for development.

“Without the rule of law, there is no development. This is the first pillar. Double standards are not possible; the law must be upheld,” Mickoski concluded.