Thursday, 30 May 2024
Macedonia 30.05.24 | 22:47

Facing relegation to the opposition, DUI will announce its next moves by the end of the week

DUI party official Kreshnik Bekteshi said that the party will declare its next steps by the end of the week. DUI is left out of coalition talks by VMRO-DPMNE and its leader Ali Ahmeti is publicly fuming over this decision, declaring the VLEN coalition “illegitimate” representatives of the...

Macedonia 30.05.24 | 22:39

President Siljanovska will appoint a Prime Minister – designate next week

President Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova will give the mandate for the creation of the Government next week. She has until June 7th to appoint the Prime Minister – designate. It’s obvious that this will be VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski, who, depending on the outcome of the...

Macedonia 30.05.24 | 22:33

Constitutional Court judges fail to elect new President after regime judge Kacarska’s term expired

The Constitutional Court failed today, in two attempts, to elect a new chief justice. Dobrila Kacarska, notorious for persecuting opposition officials and protesters during her term as judge, had her term as President of the Constitutional Court expire. Two other candidates close to the SDSM party are...

Macedonia 30.05.24 | 18:46

The parliamentary elections are over, Azizi is the new deputy in Kasami’s place

The State Election Commission (SEC) today made a conclusion on the conclusion of the parliamentary elections. At the session, the results of the elections in the Sixth Electoral Unit were declared final after the Administrative Court rejected the lawsuit of the European Front last night for re-voting...

Macedonia 30.05.24 | 18:33

Europe House Struga officially opens

On Thursday, Ambassador David Geer, Head of the Delegation of the European Union, will officially inaugurate Europe House Struga. The celebration will extend into the afternoon with the unveiling of the EU-funded mural “Symbiosis” at the Museum of Nature “Dr. Nikola Nezhlobinski”....

Sport 30.05.24 | 18:15

The handball players will play in Varazhdin: we are opening the World Cup against the favorite Hungary

At the 2025 World Cup, Macedonia’s senior men’s handball national team will participate in group “D” in Varaždin, Croatia.Our top handball players, under the direction of head coach Kiril Lazarov, are up against Hungary, the Netherlands, and Guinea. The World Cup will take place...

Macedonia 30.05.24 | 18:10

Osmani will be present at NATO as a foreign ministers’ conference in Prague

On Thursday, NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs will gather informally in Prague, where Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani will be present. According to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the discussions will centre on addressing present security issues, providing additional assistance...

Macedonia 30.05.24 | 17:47

Macedonians from Serbia are asking President Siljanovska to recall Ambassador Frchovski

Macedonians from Serbia are asking President Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova to recall the ambassador to the United Nations, Ljubomir Frchkovski. The reason for the recall is Frchkovski’s “yes” vote for the Resolution on genocide in Srebrenica without consulting the head of state.Moreover,...

Macedonia 30.05.24 | 12:08

The Administrative Court rejected the lawsuit of the European Front, the deputy from Zhelino remains for Vredi

At a public hearing held last night, the Administrative Court rejected as unfounded the lawsuit filed by the European Front Coalition for the Parliamentary Elections 2024, against the decision of the State Election Commission of RSM for the re-voting of polling station 2101 in the village of Larce in...

Macedonia 30.05.24 | 09:51

President Siljanovska Davkova Meets with Army Chief of Staff Gjurchinovski

President Gordana Siljanovska Davkova met with the Army Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Vasko Gjurchinovski, on Wednesday, according to a statement from the President’s office. “During the meeting, the first since assuming office, President Siljanovska Davkova was briefed on the current...

News 30.05.24 | 08:53

Judicial Council Revises Rulebook for Ranking Candidates in Higher Court Judge Elections

At its 488th session on Wednesday, the Judicial Council adopted amendments to the rulebook on ranking candidates for the election of judges in higher courts. These changes align with recommendations from the EU peer review mission report on the Council’s functioning. The amendments ensure that...

Macedonia 30.05.24 | 07:48

Geer: We are ready to work with the new government and all supporters of the reform process

EU Ambassador David Geer emphasized the country’s interest in continuing its journey towards European Union membership and expressed the EU’s readiness to collaborate with the new government and all supporters of the reform process. “My message is directed at both the government and...