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Government wants to allow workers to work on Sundays – for a higher salary

The Government aims to allow workers who want to work on Sundays, for salaries that will be two to three times higher than the regular salaries, to be able to do so, despite the “blue law” instituted by the previous DUI – SDSM Government.

Even now we have economic operators who work on Sundays. This includes a shopping mall that was opened with great fanfare by SDSM and DUI. As a Government, we want to raise the question whether those who want to work, and to receive double salaries, should be able to do so. We see nothing wrong with that, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski said during the Parliament question session today.

According to the Prime Minister, 75 percent of all voters agree with the idea to allow workers to work on Sundays, for higher wages.

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