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Toshkovski does not want to speculate about Grubi’s location: If he is “clean as a tear”, let him return

“We have communication and excellent cooperation with the Ministries of Interior from neighboring countries, but an official confirmation of fugitives from justice has not reached the Ministry of the Interior from any neighboring country,” said Interior Minister Pance Toshkovski regarding the inaccessibility of Artan to the law enforcement authorities. Grubi and Prparim Bajrami, suspects in the State Lottery case.

In a guest appearance on the show “Top Tema” on “Thelma”, the minister said that he would not like to speculate about the whereabouts of Grubi, about whose location various information has been heard these days.

But I would like to believe what has been announced in the public, that he will return to Macedonia because he is “as clean as a tear” and because he believes that these well-founded suspicions, for which the investigation by the public prosecutor has been opened, are not as which is interpreted by the Ministry of the Interior and the Prosecutor’s Office. I would like him to dare and, if he is clean as a tear, arrive in Macedonia. The Ministry of the Interior has the capacity to guarantee his security. If a man has been involved in politics for so long, the least he can do is to postpone his private obligations, if he had any, and return to Macedonia and prove his defense theses in legal proceedings. To prove it, it must be available in court, Toshkovski said.

When asked if there were “moles” in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Prosecutor’s Office who notified Grubi to leave the country, Toshkovski said that there was an investigation, but that he could not share information. He announced that in the searches of the unreachable crime suspects in Lotaria, large amounts of money were found “for which there are suspicions that part of the funds that were illegally acquired were used for the purchase of certain property in and outside of Macedonia.”

But, unfortunately, at this moment I cannot reveal facts in this investigative procedure and it is not time to bring them to the public. To leave it to the legal procedure and process of justice, and for that we need time and a thorough investigation, said Tohkovski.

For police officer B. J. from the Border Police, against whom the Ministry of the Interior filed a criminal complaint and a suspension decision was made, said that he made a “cardinal mistake” because he was obliged to stop the vehicle in which Grubi was being transported, as he was on the “stop list”, and then to notified the competent public prosecutor for instructions on further action.

The recordings from the cameras of “Blace” showed that the policeman examined his passport and after the vehicle left the crossing “after a few minutes” and was “in the process of leaving” that is, when he was already at the Ministry of the Interior of Kosovo, he concluded that Grubi was at a “stop- the list” and then he informed.

-Unfortunately, the police officer did not act in accordance with standard operating procedure and did not detain him, that is, he did not allow him to leave. At the very least, he should be held accountable for negligent work in the service, said Toškovski. After JO collects all the evidential material, the investigative procedure will determine whether it is an organization of several people and whether the policeman is involved, added the minister.

When asked why there was only a disciplinary procedure for the head of the shift, and he was responsible for batteries in the cameras that did not work, the minister answered that it was about the cameras that the police officers wear on their uniforms and that the problem was from before. However, the cameras at the border crossing were working and recorded the actions of the policeman who took Grubi’s passport for inspection and then returned it to him, says Toshkovski.

-Internal control concluded that the manager should have taken care of batteries, but it lasted for a long time, and his actions are not directly to blame for exiting and not stopping. Therefore, there is only a disciplinary procedure against the manager, because there is no cause-and-effect relationship with the fact that B. J did not stop the vehicle, he adds.

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