Today, Macedonia celebrates Republic Day, honoring two significant historical and state-building events: the Ilinden Uprising and the First Session of ASNOM, Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski wrote on Facebook.

Ilinden is not just a historical story or a historical dream, but above all a historical truth. Ilinden is our strongest call to action and unity today. Ilinden is a call for all of us – to continue fighting for our rights, for our culture, for our freedom. Note carefully the words from the Krushev manifesto which, apart from celebrating the libertarian idea, its biggest message is the call for unity. The Krushev Republic was built on that unity, and in the name of that unity everyone raised the flag of freedom. The real question and dilemma today is whether that unity exists in a state where the struggle must continue, in order to have victory.

The fight continues – reminding us that the fight for freedom, justice and a better future requires perseverance, courage and unity. We should learn from them how great victories are won, because you may lose a battle, but it is important to win in your final goal.

Perseverance, attentiveness and above all a good plan to reach the right goal. That is the strategy that we should also use, to be loud in our views, to have a plan and to be persistent.

The fight is not over!

The fight continues! We fight with every word we speak, in every action we take, with every dream we have for a better future.

The fight for the future, the fight for Macedonia in the hands of the people is our obligation.

This is the struggle of our generation with which we leave a mark through time, firmly believing in its correctness and greatness.

May Ilinden be happy and eternal – Micoski wrote.

VMRO-DPMNE also congratulates all citizens on Ilinden.

– On this day 121 years ago, the people raised their voice for freedom. Organized, cohesive and single-minded. Ilinden brought everyone together under the banner of freedom, the freedom we live today is the fruit of the spark that was ignited then, and was realized 41 years later on August 2, 1944. Macedonia is free today, but the fight continues, for progress, a better future for everyone. Years of successful and fruitful work for Macedonia are coming. For the future generations to inherit a more perfect Macedonia than what we have inherited.