NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called on Macedonia and Greece to complete the ratification process of the Zaev – Tsipras treaty that renames Macedonai into North Macedonia by February 15th.
Greek daily Kathimerini reports that a letter from Stoltenberg was sent to both capitals calling for the process to be completed as soon as possible, so that NATO can issue an invitation to Macedonia for full membership.

The Macedonian Parliament is expected to begin the plenary session on January 9th, and while Prime Minister Zoran Zaev has said that he is still several votes short, he pushed through several amnesty laws that release the members of Parliament he needs from the charges his Government used to blackmail them into voting in favor of the renaming.

Meanwhile, in Greece, Government spokesman Dimitris Tzanakopoulos said that Tsipras also has the necessary majority, despite his own coalition being divided over the issue, and the opposition New Democracy being set against it. Greece is supposed to ratify both the renaming treaty but also the accession instrument for Macedonia to join NATO, and with that remove its veto which has been in effect since 2008. Tsipras is hoping that the center left To Potami party will support him on this issue.