The SDS’s refusal of the idea of ​​state and national unity, except that it represents the absence of reason, is typical of confusing people frightened by their own past, say in reaction from VMRO-DPMNE.

People who speak, who have no trouble betraying the expectations of loved ones, and who are playing with the fate of others. People who are afraid of doing so did it against the people and the state. We are sorry for such a reaction, but it will not shake us in the intentions to establish a unity based on the principles that our citizens expect from us. Citizens are overwhelmed by the inflammatory attitude of politicians who see only personal interests, and everyone expects maturity and responsible approach. That’s There is no, the state was extremely in charge of bankruptcy, the reaction said.

VMRO-DPMNE adds that all social stakeholders need to unite, to anyone who wants to invest their potential in the development of the state. Macedonia must win, and that will happen through unification regardless of religious, ethnic or party affiliation.