Tag: bitola
Macedonia Culture 14.02.23 | 09:55

Culture Ministry approves only 6% of the necessary funds for the reconstruction of Goce Delcev’s memorial house in Bitola, which has been closed for years

These days, the problem with honoring the apostle of the Macedonian national struggle, Goce Delcev, is still ongoing. But in addition to the sale of his ideological legacy, Delcev’s memorial house in Bitola has been closed for years. The reason why it is closed is the alleged bad condition of the...

Macedonia 07.01.23 | 11:21

Tourism sites in Bitola now open for people with disabilities

Several associations that promote the rights of people with disabilities from Bitola, Demir Hisar and Resen initiated a project to help all visit the tourist destinations in Bitola. The sites covered include the ruins of Heraclea Lyncestis, the Watchtower, the church of St. Dimitrija, the Isak Mosque...

Macedonia 02.01.23 | 11:34

Mickoski: Construction of a new fire department building worth 1 million euros will begin in Bitola

We are leaving a year full of challenges behind us, in which we showed that when you work honestly and with dedication, you can achieve high results. Bitola managed to get out of the closeness and indifference that existed in the past years. Bitola is no longer a forgotten city, says the mayor of the...

Life Macedonia 14.12.22 | 12:52

Earthquake felt in Bitola

The telemetry seismological network of Macedonia, with stations in Skopje, Valandovo, Ohrid, Stip and Pecevo, maintained by the Seismological Observatory at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics in Skopje, today registered an earthquake 124 km southwest of Skopje in the Republic of Greece. According...

Macedonia 06.11.22 | 18:01

Prilep and Bitola spearhead development projects in the Pelagonija region

The mayors from the Pelagonija region, elected from the VMRO-DPMNE ticket in the landslide local elections in 2021, discussed their work over the past year during the large political event organized by the party in Skopje. Prilep Mayor Borce Jovcevski said that he ensured the completion of the solution...

Macedonia 04.11.22 | 17:04

Mickoski: Over 65 projects that have started, 75 percent of capital investments in Bitola have been realized in just one year

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski congratulated the day of the liberation of Bitola from the fascist occupation, adding that it is always a pleasure to attend such events when projects are being implemented and when promises are fulfilled. And that is the difference between VMRO-DPMNE and the government...

Macedonia 30.10.22 | 14:25

Bitola school denies report that its visit to Bulgaria was meant to honor Vanco Mihajlov

After the Bulgarian Memory foundation reported that it hosted a group of students from Bitola who were supporters of the work of Vanco Mihajlov, the school issued a denial today. The technical sciences high school “Gjorgji Naumov” from Bitola took a group of children, along with its principal...

Macedonia 08.06.22 | 20:20

Protest in Bitola – people demand freedom for Lambe Alabakovski

“Freedom for Lambe”, “There is no place for Vanco Mihajov in the city of Steve Naumov” were part of the messages written on the banners of the citizens who protested in front of the police station in Bitola, demanding freedom for the singer Lambe Alabakovski, who is in custody...

Macedonia 22.05.22 | 21:18

Mucunski: Our mayors are accomplishing what they promised to do

Aerodrom Mayor Timco Mucinski met with Mayor Toni Konjanovski of Bitola to discuss work done by the VMRO-DPMNE mayors that were elected in the landslide local elections last October. Konjanovski accomplished what he promised in the first six months. All of the mayors in the country are facing serious...

Macedonia 04.05.22 | 16:41

No clear answer from the Government about the opening of a Bulgarian club in Bitola named after a Nazi collaborator

The Government did not respond clearly to a question from Republika, over whether it plans to take any action after the opening of a Bulgarian club in Bitola named after Nazi collaborator Vanco Mihajlov. We expect things to be clearer in the coming period so that the public can be informed. What is important...

Macedonia 16.04.22 | 20:49

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani still pushes the Portuguese proposal to resolve the dispute with Bulgaria

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani was the only Government official to meet the Bulgarian delegation in Bitola today, during their controversial visit to open a cultural center named after a pro-fascist WW2 commander. Macedonia remains stuck in its accession talks, even as the June EU summit is quickly approaching,...

Macedonia 16.04.22 | 18:52

Bulgarian nationalist politician Karakacanov also came to Bitola

Bulgarian nationalist politician Krasimir Karakacanov also joined the large delegation in Bitola, for the opening of a cultural center named after controversial WW2 commander Vanco Mihajlov. Karakacanov was warmly welcomed by the small group of Bulgarians from Bitola who are operating the center. He...

Macedonia 16.04.22 | 18:41

Vice President Iotova insisted that there are no Macedonians in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Vice President Ilijana Iotova insisted that there are no Macedonians in Bulgaria. Iotova was asked about the minority issue during her visit to Bitola, where a high level Bulgarian delegation promoted the rights of Bulgarians in Macedonia, and opened a cultural center named after a controversial...

Macedonia 16.04.22 | 13:57

Police deployed to protect the Bulgarian delegation during its visit to Bitola as protesters gather

Bitola is overrun by police as a high level Bulgarian delegation is expected to come to the city and attend the opening of a cultural center named after controversial Second World War era Macedonia leader Vanco Mihajlov. Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, Vice President Iliana Iotova and other dignitaries...

Macedonia 16.04.22 | 09:36

Protests planned as Bulgarian Prime Minister Petkov comes to Bitola to open a controversial club

Protests are planned in Bitola today, as a large delegation of Bulgarian officials, including Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, Vice President Iliana Iotova and former Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva will attend the opening of a Bulgarian cultural center. The association of WW2 fighters from Bitola and...

Macedonia 25.03.22 | 15:31

As the ELEM company collapses, its director Vasko Kovacevski went on a real-estate buying spree in Bitola

In a press conference, the VMRO-DPMNE party asked how was Vasko Kovacevski, the director of the badly mismanaged state owned ESM/ELEM energy company, able to make almost half a million EUR. VMRO member of Parliament Mile Lefkov presented Kovacevski’s property report, which includes two apartments...

Macedonia 02.03.22 | 09:57

Energy crisis: Mickoski alleges that SDSM is plundering the Bitola coal mine

The management of the state owned ELEM/ESM energy company is stealing from its Bitola coal mine, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski, who is former ELEM director. According to Mickoski, the management is allowing contractors to overbill for their work in the mine, which is contributing to the...

Economy 16.02.22 | 18:14

Energy crisis: Protest in Bitola against the latest gas price hike

Members of the Bitola Car Club protested today against the persistent gas price hikes. We are negotiating with other clubs in Macedonia to expand the protests into road blockades. We know that the city of Bitola has nothing to do with the price hikes, but we have to start somewhere. It’s not going...

Macedonia 03.02.22 | 19:20

Two dozen passengers injured in a triple car crash in Bitola

Two dozen passengers were injured in a triple crash in Bitola today. The accident involved a van carrying workers from the Kromberg & Schubert factory, a bus and a parked tow truck. It happened after 15h, when the work shift in the factory ended. The injured passengers are being treated in the Bitola...

Macedonia 24.01.22 | 10:20

Firefighters worked through the night to put out the Bitola flour mill fire

Bitola firefighters worked through the night to put out the major fire that destroyed the Zito Bitola flour mill.  Ten teams were on the ground, and after the main blaze was put out, they rotated working on the ancillary fires. The building is largely destroyed, but fortunately, no casualties were reported.  
