Tag: boycott
Macedonia 08.05.24 | 20:52

Boycott: One ballot box in Zajas left completely empty

As evidence of the attempt by the DUI party to boycott the presidential elections, in one polling station in the village of Zajas, near Kicevo, there were 0 votes cast in the presidential elections. DUI indicated it could try to boycott the election, and prevent VMRO-DPMNE candidate Gordana Siljanovska...

Macedonia 08.05.24 | 18:30

Boycott attempt failed – the presidential elections will be valid

State Electoral Commission informed that turnout in the presidential elections until 17h reached 42.32 percent. This removes one major issue – whether the presidential elections will be valid, as they require a minimum turnout of 40 percent. There was a noticeable attempt to boycott the presidential...

Macedonia 11.04.24 | 22:35

Pendarovski rejects reports he may have his supporters boycott the second round of elections

During a campaign event in Dojran, SDSM presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski dismissed rumors that he may do a soft boycott of the second round of the presidential elections. I have no reason to boycott the second round, because I will win the elections, Pendarovski insisted. He lags the polls badly...

Economy 08.09.23 | 14:25

Train drivers end boycott, freight transport to resume Thursday evening, passenger transport on Tuesday

Staff at the state-owned railway company met Thursday with the company’s management and agreed to resume rail freight transport on Thursday evening and passenger transport on Tuesday next week. Staff representative Toni Dimovski told MIA that an agreement has been reached to suspend the boycott which...

Macedonia 16.05.22 | 09:51

Today VMRO-DPMNE will announce its next steps in the political crisis

VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski announced that the party will determine its next steps in the political blockade tomorrow. The opposition party is currently blocking almost all legislation, as it demands early general elections. Tomorrow the Executive Committee of the party will meet and...

Macedonia 14.05.22 | 14:41

VMRO will soon announce its next steps in its campaign to ensure early elections

VMRO-DPMNE will soon announce the second and third step in its push to force early elections. The party is already blocking almost all legislation in Parliament. On Monday we will hold a meeting of the Executive Committee. We will discuss our next two steps. This is a strategy that will last a long time,...

Macedonia 10.05.22 | 20:25

First day of Parliament boycott successful, Speaker Xhaferi couldn’t adopt the agenda

On the first day of the blockade of Parliament, VMRO-DPMNE representatives were able to prevent the adoption of the agenda and stopped the session from starting. Speaker Talat Xhaferi gave up in his attempt to convene the Parliament after 37 representatives from the opposition sought to speak and filibustered...

Macedonia 30.03.22 | 21:48

Statistics bureau chief blames boycotters for the skewed results of the census

Apostol Simovski, head of the DZS state statistics bureau, blamed the parties that called for boycott for the dismal result of the census in which over 7 percent of the residents did not participate, leading to a major downplaying of the number of ethnic Macedonians in the country. All who called for...

Macedonia 30.03.22 | 15:41

The price of the census boycott was paid by the Macedonians – 132,260 remained unregistered

The results of the census conducted last year showed that 132,260 residents remained unregistered. Many doors remained closed due to calls to boycott the census. The census takers did not knock on many doors for one reason or another, but that did not make the Macedonians go to the census sites and register...

Macedonia 26.12.21 | 21:36

Boycott: About 300,000 Macedonian emigrants refused to be counted in the census

About 300,000 Macedonian citizens who live abroad did not apply to register in the 2021 census, said Apostol Simovski, director of the State Statistics Bureau (DZS). Ethnic Albanian emigrants enthusiastically turned out for the census. Meanwhile, ethnic Macedonians, who are more and more turned off by...

Macedonia 27.04.21 | 16:34

Strumica high-school students plan a boycott over Minister Carovska’s latest plan to rewrite school books

High school students from Strumica are organizing to boycott classes in protest against plans by Education Minister Mila Carovska to switch to electronic school books. The students are repeating their old request for in-person schooling and insist that e-books will just solidify the Ministry’s...

Macedonia 04.02.21 | 21:48

High school students will briefly suspend their boycott after receiving support from most political parties

After being assured of the support of over 70 members of Parliament for their demands, the Association of high school students announced it will suspend its boycott of classes. Most high school students joined the boycott that began with the start of the second semester, in mid January. Their demands...

Macedonia 01.02.21 | 16:57

Education Minister Carovska tells striking students they will have to make up for the lost classes

Education Minister Mila Carovska threatened high school students that they will have to work overtime to make up for the classes they are losing now, with the on-going boycott. Most high-school students are boycotting as they demand that the year-end graduation test is cut in half, because of the poor...

Macedonia 31.01.21 | 10:58

High school students set to continue their boycott of online classes

The Association of high school students announced that they boycott of online classes will continue into next week. A large majority of students are boycotting classes since school resumed after the winter break 10 days ago, as they demand a reduction in the year-end graduation exams. Our delegation...

Macedonia 28.01.21 | 15:05

Nearly 80 percent of high-school students have joined the boycott of classes

The boycott of the second semester in high-schools has spread to nearly 80 percent of all students, said the Association of high school students. They demands that the graduation tests are reduced down to just two classes, from the current four, citing the poor quality of online teaching as a reason...

Macedonia 23.08.20 | 18:43

VMRO yet to decide whether to boycott the vote on the new SDSM – DUI Government

VMRO-DPMNE spokesman Dimitar Arsovski said that the party will soon decide whether to even attend the planned vote for the next SDSM – DUI led Government. Opposition parties such as the Alliance of Albanians and Alternative are expected to boycott to session and Arsovski was asked today if VMRO...

Macedonia 20.08.20 | 14:21

High school union plans to boycott the start of the school year after their proposals were ignored for months

The Association of high school students objects to the fact it was not involved in the planning of the new school year, and announces boycott of the online teaching. The Education and Healthcare ministries eventually decided that all students above third grade of elementary school will attend online...

Macedonia 18.08.20 | 14:34

Alternative and Alliance could boycott the Parliament if an Albanian is not named Prime Minister

The Alliance of Albanians and its coalition partner Alternative are considering a boycott of the next Parliament, unless an ethnic Albanian is elected Prime Minister. The two parties are accusing their main competitor in the Albanian bloc, DUI, of winning votes on the promise that it will secure an Albanian...

World 28.04.20 | 18:02

Former EU head Tusk appeals for boycott of Poland’s election

Former European Council president Donald Tusk appealed Tuesday for a boycott of the upcoming presidential election in his native Poland, saying the postal vote the government has proposed carries health risks amid the coronavirus pandemic and would not meet democratic standards for free, equal and transparent...

Macedonia 22.01.20 | 20:44

National TV stations boycott the government and the ministers

Five national TV stations affiliated with the MMA (Macedonian Media Association) have begun boycotting the activities of ministers and the government. Yesterday they put down the cameras and did not record the press conference of the Minister of Transport and Communications, Goran Sugareski. At the same...
