Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 19.07.22 | 22:15

Republika’s writings confirmed: Osmani reduced the Macedonian language to a constitutional category

After Bulgaria released the unilateral declaration on the Macedonian language, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia did the same today. Here’s the text of the Macedonian unilateral statement on the Macedonian language: As stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of...

Macedonia 19.07.22 | 12:51

Osmani accepted that the Macedonian language derived from Bulgarian?

While today in Brussels our state delegation is taking photos at the photo session dedicated only to the initial step for the official start of Macedonia’s EU accession negotiations, it still remains unclear why the Minister of Foreign Affairs does not publish the Macedonian unilateral declaration...

Macedonia 19.07.22 | 12:35

Bulgarians want to be included in the Constitution in a language they do not recognize!

First inclusion of the Macedonian Bulgarians in the Constitution, and then official start of Macedonia’s EU accession negotiations in a period of two years after today’s joint photo shoot in Brussels, is one of the essential provisions of the French proposal. At the center of the provision,...

Macedonia 19.07.22 | 12:13

Macedonia will be Bulgaria’s hostage on EU path

Macedonia is not starting negotiations, everything is a farce of SDSM and DUI, VMRO-DPMNE reacts to today’s first intergovernmental conference of the country with the EU. The opposition party added that they will not allow changes to the Constitution and the inclusion of Bulgarians. VMRO-DPMNE...

Macedonia 19.07.22 | 10:19

Bulgaria published a Declaration stating that the Macedonian language is a dialect of Bulgarian

In a separate declaration, distributed a few minutes ago, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, Sofia indicates that the reference in EU documents to the official language of the Republic of Macedonia should in no way be interpreted as recognition of the “Macedonian language” by...

Macedonia 18.07.22 | 15:48

Mickoski on the protocol: Macedonia will have to fulfill Bulgarian wishes

Hristijan Mickoski, leader of VMRO-DPMNE, believes that the protocol with which Macedonia will have to fulfill Bulgarian wishes opens the door for negotiations for Albania, but not for our country. According to him, it is a diplomatic knockout and capitulation. He pointed out that the start of the negotiations...

Macedonia 14.07.22 | 17:20

Mickoski after meeting von der Leyen: I showed her pictures of the Vatasha boys, Vera Ciriviri Trena, the deportation of the Jews: Shall we accept that they are administrators?!

After the meeting of the leadership of VMRO-DPMNE with the president of the EC Ursula von der Leyen, the president of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski held a press conference, where he introduced the public to the positions of the party related to the speech of the president of the EC in the  Parliament. The...

Macedonia 13.07.22 | 18:12

Kovacevski hasn’t even seen Osmani’s protocol!?

Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said in an interview with MIA today that without the consent of both sides, both Skopje and Sofia, no change can happen in relation to any of the points in the protocol. When asked if he had an insight into this document, if there is a harmonized protocol at all, when...

Macedonia 02.07.22 | 11:13

VMRO-DPMNE: Kovacevski accepted that Bulgarians write our textbooks and that we are of Bulgarian origin

The government shamelessly lies to the Macedonian public. The proposal they present as a modified version is the same proposal from a few days ago that contains all the Bulgarian demands. What Kovacevski allegedly refused, now with changed “phrases” he presents as a success. And the truth...

Macedonia 25.06.22 | 14:48

Macedonia’s Foreign Ministry urges official Sofia to condemn hate speech and territorial claims expressed in Bulgarian Parliament

Macedonia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Saturday it strongly condemns Friday’s printed banners reading “Macedonia is Bulgaria” which could be seen in the hands of some MPs during the session on the first item at the Bulgarian National Assembly, and also heard from the rostrum during the...

Macedonia 24.06.22 | 15:40

Bulgarian condition: Nothing in Macedonia’s accession process should be interpreted as recognition of the Macedonian language

Bulgaria adopted four conditions for Macedonia’s EU accession – effective implementation of the Good Neighborly Agreement, guarantee of the rights of Bulgarians in Macedonia through their inclusion in the Constitution as a nation-building, that nothing in Macedonia’s accession process...

Macedonia 23.06.22 | 20:44

Rama: Bulgaria gains support to destabilize Macedonia, and that leads to discord

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama expressed disappointment from the European Union’s attitude towards the European integration of the region after the end of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Brussels on Thursday, saying Bulgaria is not the only problem but the fact that the EU is tired of enlargement,...

Macedonia 23.06.22 | 16:45

Nikoloski: Bulgaria wants us to change history

Bulgaria wants us to change the history, to say that they did not occupy Macedonia during the Second World War and did not deport the Macedonian Jews to Treblinka, Aleksandar Nikoloski, vice president of VMRO DPMNE said in Strasbourg on Thursday. I would like to support the report that was presented...

Macedonia 22.06.22 | 08:01

Pendarovski confirms: Bulgaria doesn’t want Bulgarians to be included in the Constitution only as a minority but as a people

Sofia does not want the Bulgarians to be included only in the Preamble of the Constitution, but also in its normative part, said President Stevo Pendarovski in an interview with TV24. Pendarovski says that no community in the country is included in the normative part of the Constitution, so it is not...

Macedonia 21.06.22 | 17:01

Documents on Macedonia not designated as confidential: Bulgarian MoFA

Documents on the negotiations between Bulgaria and Macedonia are not designated as confidential and are entered in the public records of the National Assembly and the Council of Ministers, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday, MIA reports from Sofia. According to the MIA correspondent...

Macedonia 20.06.22 | 12:40

“Bulgaria will not lift the veto, the dispute is not about who is right, but who is more powerful”

Renowned German journalist Michael Martens, who has been a FAZ correspondent for the Balkans for 25 years, after his visit to Bulgaria, draws several conclusions about what will happen to the Bulgarian-Macedonian dispute. As the most important conclusion, he states that Sofia will not lift the veto on...

Macedonia 18.06.22 | 11:22

Dimitrov: French proposal is debacle of Macedonian diplomacy, government puts our fate entirely in Bulgaria’s hands

Abandoned red lines and diplomatic debacle, accuses former Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov after the the French proposal on overcoming the Bulgarian-Macedonian dispute and open negotiations with the EU was released. I do not know what is worst, to trust our people that they do not have the proposal...

Macedonia 18.06.22 | 08:47

Miteva: SDSM created the issue with Bulgaria

SDSM simply has no position regarding the proposal. When there is no position, SDSM always talks about something that is not a trending topic. Zoran Zaev appeared on television and publicly violated the Macedonian positions, saying that the same language is spoken in Macedonia and Bulgaria, ie in Strumica...

Balkans 15.06.22 | 10:21

Bulgarian Parliament holds hearing for Gencovska on Macedonia in a closed session

With votes from GERB – SDS, DPS, “There is such a people” and “Revival”, the Bulgarian Parliament decided to hold a hearing for he Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodora Gencovska as the first item on today’s agenda. At the request of “There is such a people”,...

Balkans 13.06.22 | 14:59

Bulgaria also got eight traitors: Petkov’s government is being saved according to the Macedonian scenario

The Bulgarian government will be saved according to the Macedonian scenario. Several MPs of the “There is such a people” party led by Slavi Trifonov announced that they are leaving the party and will act as independent MPs. Nikolaj Radulov, Svetlin Stojanov, Ivo Atanasov, Ivajlo Hristov,...
