Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 23.12.21 | 11:06

Defeat brought him, Bulgaria removed him from power

Zoran Zaev should officially become a former prime minister today. He came as Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia and left as Prime Minister of his creation “North”. After five years at the helm of the state, Zaev will be remembered for several things: the destruction of everything...

Macedonia 21.12.21 | 10:46

Bulgarians make public President Pendarovski’s paper entitled “Bulgarian – nationality or profession?!”

The online edition of Sofia-based “Sega.bg” found an original way to illustrate its text dedicated to misunderstandings and their overcoming between Bulgaria and Macedonia, reports “PressingTV“. The focus of the text is the current Bulgarian policy towards Macedonia and the announced...

Music 19.12.21 | 15:49

Bulgaria to perform at Junior Eurovision Song Contest with a song by a Macedonian-Bulgarian team led by Vasil Garvanliev

Desislava Dimitrova and Martin Stojanov are Bulgaria’s representatives at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, which is being held Sunday in Paris. Bulgaria’s song for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest was created by a Bulgarian-Macedonian team, consisting of Macedonia’s representative...

Macedonia 18.12.21 | 10:00

While the veto remains, Bulgaria will upgrade its position towards Skopje

History should not be the only topic in relations with Macedonia, but Bulgarians must be included in the Constitution, and EU accession negotiations must be linked to Bulgarian demands. These are the last messages that after the renewed blockade from Sofia on Macedonia’s EU path, were sent by the...

Macedonia 16.12.21 | 10:02

New Bulgarian Government, same old veto

After the conclusions on EU enlargement and the announcement of the Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov that he will put the negotiations with Macedonia on a new basis, today the Vice President of Bulgaria Iliana Iotova said that Sofia will offer nothing new in the coming period. Bulgaria will wait...

Macedonia 15.12.21 | 18:45

Bulgaria does not change its decision on Macedonia

After yesterday’s conclusions on EU enlargement and the announcement of the Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov that he will put the negotiations with Macedonia on a new basis, today the Vice President of Bulgaria Iliana Iotova said that Sofia will offer nothing new in the coming period. Bulgaria...

Macedonia 15.12.21 | 10:13

Alternative party willing to overlook the latest veto in exchange for the promise of its share of Government largesse

Even though the Alternative party insisted that their main purpose of entering the Zaev Government is to secure the opening of EU accession talks, it seems intent to stick with its decision despite the veto Macedonia received at the European Council yesterday. The party seems prepared to justify its...

Macedonia 15.12.21 | 09:55

Buckovski: Macedonia will enter the EU with its history textbooks harmonized with Bulgaria

Zoran Zaev’s personal envoy to Bulgaria Vlado Buckovski said that the history books between the two countries will need to be aligned before Macedonia joins the EU. Buckovski said that changes will be made on the Bulgarian side as well, even though Bulgaria is using its veto power in the EU to...

Macedonia 15.12.21 | 09:48

Foreign Minister Osmani believes that six months is too long time to wait for the Bulgarian veto to be lifted

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani criticized the announcement from Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, that there will be six months of negotiations before Bulgaria can decide whether it will allow Macedonia to open EU accession talks. The European Council yesterday could not agree to open accession talks...

Macedonia 14.12.21 | 16:05

Bulgaria – Macedonia dispute: Kiril Petkov wants new committees on culture, infrastructure and the economy, on top of the one on history

In a statement with the Bulgarian BTA news agency, the newly appointed Prime Minister Kiril Petkov said that the new groups he wants created with Macedonia will cover culture, infrastructure and the economy, on top of the already existant committee on history, which has been deadlocked for a while. Petkov...

Macedonia 14.12.21 | 12:59

Investigation into the Besa bus disaster is almost complete

Bulgarian official Borislav Sarafov said that the investigation into the deadly Besa bus disaster that happened three weeks ago is almost finished. The officials are still waiting for several forensics reports to be completed, including the crucial report from fire experts. 43 passengers and two drivers...

Macedonia 14.12.21 | 10:56

Zaev could postpone his resignation as Prime Minister for several months to reach a new deal with Bulgaria

Zoran Zaev’s First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi said that Zaev’s resignation as Prime Minister could be postponed for several months, to try to get him to reach a new agreement with Bulgaria. I think that the process could be completed so he can leave office by the middle of January,...

Macedonia 13.12.21 | 15:51

Again no accession talks date for Macedonia in the conclusions prepared by the European Council

EU member state diplomats have prepared conclusions for the European Council that takes place tomorrow. According to the MIA news agency, the conclusions will again not set a date when Macedonia can begin its accession talks, and will have the usual encouragement and words of comfort that the country...

Macedonia 13.12.21 | 15:35

No support in the EU to let Albania go ahead with its accession talks without Macedonia

The MIA news agency reports that there is no support among EU countries to split Macedonia and Albania in their accession talks bid. This means that Albania will not be allowed to advance alone, ahead of Macedonia, as Bulgaria continues to veto Macedonia’s accession talks. Ahead of the European...

Macedonia 13.12.21 | 10:04

Bulgarian Parliament will vote on Kiril Petkov’s nomination as Prime Minister

The Bulgarian Parliament is set to vote on its new Government today, with Kiril Petkov, from the newly founded PP party, nominated as Prime Minister. Petkov is seen as more moderate on the dispute with Macedonia, but his coalition also includes populists and nationalists, such as the ITN and BSP parties,...

Macedonia 11.12.21 | 21:16

Petkov: Bulgarian policy on Macedonia remains the same, but could be upgraded

The expected future Prime Minister of Bulgaria Kiril Petkov said that the position of his cabinet toward Macedonia will remain “as it is” but could be upgraded in the future. Petkov is expected to nominate Teodora Gancevska from the populist ITN party as the next Foreign Minister. ITN leader,...

Macedonia 10.12.21 | 21:56

Historian Gjorgiev blames Bulgaria for the failure of the expert talks

Dragi Gjorgiev, the historian who leads the Macedonian team in the joint historic committee with Bulgaria, confirmed that the talks held over the past two days failed, without any progress being made. This was already revealed by the top Bulgarian representative, Angel Dimitrov, who described the talks...

Macedonia 10.12.21 | 19:25

No agreement in the last negotiations between Macedonian and Bulgarian historians before the European Council

Bulgarian historian and diplomat Angel Dimitrov, who heads the Bulgarian team in the joint historic committee with Macedonia, said that the past two days of discussions were “fruitless”. The Macedonian Foreign Ministry, which is assuming an ever more intrusive role on the Macedonian side...

Macedonia 10.12.21 | 17:09

Buckovski tells Bulgaria to hurry up and cut a deal while Zaev and SDSM are still in power

In an interview with the Bulgarian “Dnevnik” daily, former Macedonian Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski, who is Zoran Zaev’s personal envoy to Bulgaria, says that a possible deal between the two countries will need to include changes and alignment of school textbooks on history, geography...

Macedonia 10.12.21 | 13:05

US urges EU to start talks with Macedonia, Albania after Bulgaria announced it will block only Skopje

Both Albania and Macedonia have implemented tough, substantial reforms, and both deserve to move forward on their path to EU accession, the US Department of State told VOA. It is crucial for the European Union to abide by its commitments, which means opening accession talks with both Macedonia and Albania...
