Tag: eu
Macedonia 19.08.23 | 14:36

SDSM: The pro-European coalition will do everything in its power to break this blockade

The pro-European coalition will not succumb to irresponsible and unstatesmanlike behaviour and will do the utmost to remove the blockade on the country’s European integration path. Our future is integration, not isolation, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said at Friday’s press conference. Kovachevski...

Macedonia 30.07.23 | 18:14

Italian diplomat Stefanini: Macedonia should take advantage of the renewed interest in EU enlargement

Italian diplomat and military consultant Stefano Sefanini urged Macedonia to amend its Constitution in line with the Bulgarian demands, in order to take advantage of the alleged current impetus to speed up EU integration. In an interview with the MIA state news agency, Stefanini says that after the war...

Macedonia 21.07.23 | 08:50

Klekovski: All VMRO members of Parliament are pro-European

VMRO-DPMNE official Saso Klekovski responded to comments from Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, that the Government will try to find common cause with “pro-European” members of Parliament from VMRO and adopt the constitutional amendments that Bulgaria wants. Bujar Osmani should not look for...

Macedonia 15.07.23 | 16:07

Geer: The average income in Macedonia is only 41.5 percent of the 27 member states’ average, and productivity for workers is about 16 percent

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen outlined a new 4-pillar plan to bring the Western Balkans closer to the EU, announcing it as a new growth plan for the region. The idea is for the EU candidate countries to feel the benefits of EU membership before they become part of the Union, EU Ambassador...

Macedonia 05.07.23 | 21:37

After the latest scandals, EU will send a mission to investigate the rot in the judiciary in Macedonia

The European Union will send a mission to Macedonia to determine the extent of the abuses in the Judicial Council. This key institution that appoints and removes judges all but collapsed in the past months, after a group of its members removed its chair in violation of the statute, and then appointed...

Balkans 02.07.23 | 08:53

EU measures against Kosovo go into effect

EU measures against Kosovo went into effect as the Government there is being punished for its refusal to allow the Serbian municipalities to organize into an association. Kosovo will no longer be invited to high level meetings and will be left out of a 2.1 billion EUR investment fund for the region....

Macedonia 30.06.23 | 18:47

Radev: There will be no additional demands apart from those included in Macedonia’s negotiating framework

Sofia strongly desires Macedonia’s EU integration, but the country must first implement the obligations they accepted, Radev told the Bulgarian National Television on Friday. “The issue of the rights of the Bulgarians in Macedonia is not bilateral, nor a Balkan dispute, as they try to present...

Macedonia 30.06.23 | 08:48

Most of the Macedonians think that the country will never become part of EU, support for NATO very high – a poll by Conrad Adenauer

Support for Macedonia’s membership in NATO from 2021 is continuously increasing, making a cumulative positive difference of 5.9 percent and in absolute terms today it amounts to 65.7 percent, while 62.3 percent support the European integration of Macedonia, a result that is almost at the same level...

Macedonia 29.06.23 | 08:51

Grkovska – Jourova: Strengthening democratic values key for society’s progress

The need to strengthen the democratic values and rule of law, as well as the country’s progress in boosting proactive transparency of the institutions and tackling corruption were the topics of Wednesday’s meeting in Brussels between Deputy Prime Minister in charge of good governance policies, Slavica...

Macedonia 26.06.23 | 12:32

Even firm guarantees from the EU won’t convince the Macedonians to vote for the constitutional amendments

The majority of Macedonian citizens (45.9%) won’t support constitutional amendments even if the EU delivers firm guarantees on the preservation of the Macedonian language and identity, revealed the poll published on Saturday. The percentage of those who would give  their support, provided the...

Macedonia 22.06.23 | 21:55

Osmani: The country faces a serious opportunity to enter a fast path toward EU, and people will feel it in their wallets

On the 20th anniversary of the Thessaloniki Summit, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will promote the ‘More Integration, Before Membership’ imitative for citizens to get the chance to feel the benefits of the EU accession process even before the membership itself, said Foreign Minister Bujar...

Macedonia 20.06.23 | 09:15

Vice-PM Marichikj: The dialogue on the constitutional amendments is an investment in our EU membership

Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj says all demands or conditions set by VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski within the scope of the Negotiating Framework are worth contemplating. “Mickoski put forward several conditions and I find it good that dialogue has begun while crossing that...

Macedonia 19.06.23 | 14:08

Former President of Macedonia Crvenkovski with a proposal to the EU how to solve the West Balkan problem

The former President of the country, Branko Crvenkovski, proposed that the EU should offer “sweeteners” agreement to West Balkan to speed up the integrations and alleviate the catastrophic fall in EU confidence among the people of  the region,  on the Monday tribune organized by The Association...

Macedonia 17.06.23 | 09:12

Kovacevski: This is not a time for TV duels or leadership meetings

Instead of wasting money on duels and leadership meetings outside of the political processes, the citizens and the state need unity, in order for the country to continue on the EU path”, PM Kovacevski said on Friday. “That EU path is not a path by and of itself, neither is the decision ,...

Macedonia 12.06.23 | 10:04

Marjan Gjorcev: Constitutional amendments prior to the membership is a blackmail

What we are asking from EU is support, things that cannot bee politically interpreted, as culture, history, and education. These are issues that each country has the right to decide independently, in a manner based on historical facts and existing documents in the archives. Politics should not interfere...

Macedonia 10.06.23 | 13:19

Maricic confessed: The adoption of the amendments doesn’t mean that Bulgaria won’t impose other conditions

I am convinced that with the adoption of the constitutional amendments Bulgaria will loose its credibility to block. It doesn’t mean that during the negotiations Bulgaria, or some other country, won’t come out with issues that will turn into conditions for  us, but it is crucial to us that...

Macedonia 09.06.23 | 11:36

The delayed aplicationn of the constitutional amendments will have to be guaranteed by the EU and the USA

The VMRO – DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski clarified once again under which conditions would his party accept to vote for the constitutional amendments, emphasizing that any proposal will have to be backed by the EU and the USA as guarantors. “We won’t accept anything that brings uncertainty...

Macedonia 08.06.23 | 17:20

Mickoski: We propose a transitional government without DUI, fair elections, and preserved identity

What we propose is a transitional government valid until the next elections, after that the voters will decide, the VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski  clarified on Thursday. “It is prudent to be part of that process, because it will allow us to  prevent possible electoral abuses, because it...

Macedonia 01.06.23 | 08:49

Macedonia should have joined EU long ago, says former Croatian President

All Western Balkan countries are on a needlessly long path to EU membership. Macedonia should have joined the EU long ago, which is why I urge the President of the European Commission to do everything so that the Western Balkan countries can join the Union as soon as possible, and in order to show more...

Macedonia 31.05.23 | 14:33

Ristevska Jordanova, expert on EU: Even if we include the Bulgarians into the Constitution, Bulgaria will continue to block us

Malinka Ristevska Jordanova, who is involved in Macedonia’s EU integration processes in various aspects for many decades, pointed out that the constitutional amendments are just a part of the entirety of Bulgarian demands to follow, hence Bulgaria will certainly continue to block Macedonia. “The...
