Tag: fdi
Economy 03.12.21 | 10:56

Once the leader, Macedonia now ranks worst in the region in attracting foreign investments

Macedonia is dead last in attracting foreign direct investment in the region, even behind Kosovo, with just 244 million EUR FDI in the first half of 2021. Serbia ranked best, with 1.7 billion EUR, while Albania had a net flow of 460 million, and Kosovo got 280 million. Macedonia used to lead European...

Economy 01.11.21 | 17:41

Macedonia is worst performing country in the Balkans in attracting foreign direct investments

According to Finance Think, Macedonia had the worst drop in direct foreign investments in the region. In 2020, the country saw only 62 dollars in foreign investments per capita. The investment rate reached 450 dollars between 2003 and 2007, and 260 dollars between 2010 and 2019, when Macedonia was among...

Macedonia 12.05.21 | 18:04

Minister Carovska praises trades education and programs to bring in foreign manufacturing investments – policies long maligned by her SDSM party

Education Minister Mila Carovska today promoted a campaign for education in trades, which was put in place by the previous, VMRO-DPMNE led Government. Carovska encouraged high school students in Strumica to enter into trades schools and enter some of the foreign manufacturing companies opened in the...

Macedonia Economy 07.02.21 | 13:13

VMRO-DPMNE: Disastrous economic results under the Zaev regime

Macedonia ranked worst in the region in terms of direct foreign investments in 2020, with only 58 EUR per capita. After setting records during a period of industrial expansion in the past decade, when it put in place a combo of industrial zones and tax cuts, Macedonia now lags behind other countries,...

Macedonia 10.10.20 | 18:13

Mickoski: Zaev’s promise of three billion EUR in investments is now proven as false

Another lie from Zoran Zaev – he promised that three billion EUR in foreign investments are coming in September, but instead investors are abandoning their plans to come to Macedonia, says opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski. In a Facebook comment he shared news clippings in which Government officials...

Economy 07.10.20 | 20:39

Macedonia drops 50 positions in attracting foreign direct investment

In the 2019 ranking list the Financial Times did not even rank Macedonia on the list, so after this the country has dropped worrying 50 positions in terms of foreign direct investment performance in just four years, from the 3rd position in 2016 now the country is not even on the list, because it did...

Economy 06.10.20 | 19:11

Macedonia at the bottom according to foreign direct investment in the region

Antonio Milososki, VMRO-DPMNE MP wrote on Facebook that Macedonia, unlike other countries in the region is at the bottom in terms of foreign direct investment. According to Milososki, Serbia is first with 4,585,000,000 dollars, followed by Albania (1,281,000,000) and Bulgaria (1,223,000,000). Macedonia...

Economy 01.09.20 | 10:55

VMRO: Zaev’s new Government concedes there will be no new major foreign investments

Following the rare negative result in direct foreign investments inflow (or outflows in this case) in the second quarter of 2020, VMRO-DPMNE said that there is no hope for greater FDI investments from the next Zaev led Government, given that it doesn’t include a single foreign investment member. The...

Macedonia 25.11.19 | 23:20

Nikoloski: Under Zaev’ we’ve had two and a half new investments come to Macedonia

Under SDSM, Macedonia has seen two and a half foreign investments, and even these were the result of negotiations started by VMRO-DPMNE, said the deputy leader of the opposition party Aleksandar Nikoloski. Nikoloski blamed the SDSM led Government of fully dismantling the very efficient foreign direct...

Economy 15.09.19 | 11:45

VMRO blames Government corruption and damaging policies for dismal economic results

The opposition VMRO-DPMNE party called out SDSM for the dramatic drop in foreign investment, following its tax hikes. At a time when the entire region is in an economic upswing and breaks records in FDI, Macedonia, under SDSM, has a drop of 84.2 percent in the first half of the year. The foreign direct...

Economy 16.08.19 | 09:23

Macedonia down 15 places in the Financial Times foreign direct investment index

Macedonia dropped 15 places in the Financial Times greenfield foreign direct investment index for 2019. Under the previous, business friendly Government led by Nikola Gruevski, Macedonia ranked 3rd in the FDI index, owing mainly to the low tax rates and pre-prepaired industrial zones. But in the latest...

Economy 27.06.19 | 22:21

Government is silent when asked about the actual impact of its ministers tasked with attracting foreign investments

Following the exceptionally low inflow of foreign direct investments, PressingTV asked the Government for details about its ministers who are tasked with courting foreign companies to open manufacturing plants in Macedonia. There was no response and their websites are left empty, without a list of their...

Economy 10.05.19 | 20:15

Central Bank doesn’t share Government’s optimistic FDI expectations even under a most favorable EU – NATO scenario

The Zaev Government insists on high foreign direct investment numbers, even though no major new company was reported to enter the country under Zaev and the white whale – Volkswagen – remains elusive. Now the Central Bank came out to dismiss the Government’s expectations of strong growth...