Tag: mia
Macedonia 21.04.24 | 13:13

MIA: Mickoski expects to consolidate 61 votes after the elections and would choose the Albanian opposition as his partner over DUI

In an interview with the Macedonian Information Agency (MIA), VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski said that he expects his coalition to be the absolute winner in the coming dual elections, and will be able to consolidate to 61 votes that will allow it to choose the Albanian opposition VLEN bloc as...

Macedonia 15.11.23 | 20:27

The MIA director-general meets with the head of the public diplomacy office and the deputy head of mission at the Greek embassy in Skopje

During a meeting at MIA’s premises, Director-General Dragan Antonovski, along with the Deputy Head of Mission at the Greek Embassy in Skopje, Georgia Andreadi, and the Head of the Public Diplomacy Office, Kleri Koltsida, delved into possibilities for stronger collaboration between the state news...

Macedonia 26.08.23 | 18:35

MIA journalists expect a 30 percent salary increase from Kovacevski

The SMIA union of media information agencies calls on Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski to do good on his promise to increase the salaries in the MIA news agency (once Macedonian Information Agency, renamed Media Information Agency under the DUI – SDSM regime). MIA employees have held a low level...

Macedonia 31.07.23 | 19:23

MIA stages third warning protest over higher wages

Employees of the Media Information Agency (MIA) staged Monday a third half-an-hour warning protest in front of the agency’s premises since the Government has still not responded to their demand for higher wages. The most urgent demand is increased wages and their balancing with the rising living...

Macedonia 15.07.23 | 16:07

Geer: The average income in Macedonia is only 41.5 percent of the 27 member states’ average, and productivity for workers is about 16 percent

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen outlined a new 4-pillar plan to bring the Western Balkans closer to the EU, announcing it as a new growth plan for the region. The idea is for the EU candidate countries to feel the benefits of EU membership before they become part of the Union, EU Ambassador...

Macedonia 07.03.23 | 09:38

Distinguished journalist Ljupco Jakimoski died aged 61

Ljupco Jakimoski, distinguished journalist and former head of the Macedonian Radio Television and the Macedonian Information Agency, died yesterday aged 61. Jakimoski was elected twice as member of Parliament from VMRO-DPMNE, including in the first post-independence assembly. He was named director of...

Macedonia 03.01.23 | 21:22

MIA correspondent in Brussels says her position was abolished after she criticized the Government’s propaganda and misinformation regarding the EU “accession talks”

The state owned Media Information Agency – MIA – (formerly Macedonian Information Agency) decided to shut down its three key foreign correspondent offices – in Washington, Brussels and Athens. The posts were set up in 2012. After the 2017 powergrab, the SDSM party quickly filled the...

Macedonia 05.02.22 | 13:23

Kovacevski defends decision to maintain secrecy in the talks with Bulgaria

In a MIA interview, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski praised the outcome of the early stage of the renewed negotiations with Bulgaria, but said that he will not promise a date when the Bulgarian veto could be lifted or fully inform the public about the content of the talks. We are conducting a process...

News 19.11.20 | 08:56

Outspoken Zaev supporter on his way out from the MIA news agency after ugly insults aimed at Zaharieva and Bakoyannis

The Macedonian Government announced it is initiating the removal of Zoran Ivanov as head of the Supervisory board of the Macedonian Information Agency. Ivanov, a long time journalist and founder of MIA, as well as an outspoken supporter of the ruling SDSM party, sent out insults aimed at Bulgarian Foreign...

Macedonia 16.11.20 | 14:47

EU says “no comment” on latest Bulgarian demand – that Macedonia gives up Tito

The European Commission said it will not comment on the latest Bulgarian demand – that Macedonia stops honoring the communist dictator Josip Broz – Tito. The demand caused much anger on the Macedonian left, which, up until now, was willing to accept major concessions with other historic figures. Bulgarian...

Macedonia 06.10.20 | 12:34

Some praise, some criticism – excerpts of the EC progress report on Macedonia leaked

The state run MIA news agency reported excerpts from the European Commission progress report on Macedonia, which is due to be published later today. According to MIA, the report is widely positive for the Government, praising its continued implementation of the treaties with Greece and Bulgaria, on which...

Macedonia 15.07.20 | 23:18

SDSM claims it leads by three seats

SDSM Secretary General Ljupco Nikolovski told the MIA news agency that his party is leading by three seats in Parliament after counting 33 percent of the votes. Independently verified results are not available as the website of the State Electoral Commission crashed as soon as voting ended. Nikolovski...

Macedonia 03.06.20 | 11:34

Another grim day: More than a 100 newly infected patients reported over the past 24 hours

The MIA news agency informed that the number of newly diagnosed Covid-19 patients over the past 24 hours is more than a 100. Macedonia last had a triple digit number of newly infected patients in mid April, when the epidemic was presumed to have peaked. But following the month of Ramadan, and the apparent...

Macedonia 05.05.20 | 14:03

EU official says the Union will work to resolve the dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria

The MIA news agency quotes an unnamed EU official saying that the Union will help resolve the growing dispute between Macedonia and Bulgaria. Bulgarian officials are announcing they will block the opening of accession talks with Macedonia unless the concessions agreed in the 2017 Zaev – Borisov...

Macedonia 02.03.20 | 12:20

European Commission expected to again recommend opening of accession talks with Macedonia and Albania

The European Commission will again recommend that Macedonia and Albania should open EU accession talks. EC is working on a new report meant to bolster the odds of the two countries after they were vetoed by France and the Netherlands last October. According to the Macedonian Information Agency, the report...

Macedonia 18.02.20 | 10:48

New EU progress reports on Macedonia and Albania will be presented in early March

The European Commission will present its new progress report on Macedonia and Albania in the first days of March. The state run MIA news agency says that the report will be published when it’s clear that all EU member states will approve the opening of accession talks, which were vetoed by France...

Macedonia 05.02.20 | 11:05

Media bias: Head of the publicly ran MIA news agency appears as speaker at an SDSM party event

Dragan Antonovski, the director of the publicly ran Macedonian Information Agency, participated at a debate organized by the ruling SDSM party, in violation of the obligation of MIA to remain unbiased and open to all political sides. Antonovski is a political appointee, who took over MIA shortly after...

Macedonia 16.12.19 | 15:05

After Zaev’s requests, the Judicial Council says it is looking into the Skopje court

The Judicial Council was also called out by the state ran MIA news agency, and asked if they are acting on the request from outgoing Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. In his final days in office, as he is expected to resign ahead of the early elections in April, Zaev is increasingly calling for a widespread...

Macedonia 18.10.19 | 14:24

MIA: No progress in Brussels, the issue may be postponed for December

European leaders have still not closed the issue of opening accession talks with Macedonia and Albania, but the odds of reaching some agreement are very slim, reports the MIA news agency from Brussels. Several member states have pushed France today to get it to amend its position but to no avail. Others...

Macedonia 16.10.19 | 18:44

French sources tell MIA that other countries were also opposed to Macedonian accession talks

The Macedonian state owned news agency MIA reports that at least one other country was opposed to opening EU accession talks with Macedonia during the GAC ministerial summit in Luxembourg yesterday. MIA cites “high level French diplomatic sources” who say that France was not alone in its...
