Tag: sdsm
Macedonia 07.04.24 | 20:05

Pendarovski will be president of all citizens, not just a political party’s extended arm, according to Kovachevski

During campaign activities in the Municipality of Centar, SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski emphasized Macedonia’s irreplaceable path towards the European Union. He reiterated their commitment to elevating the country’s standards of living, strengthening the rule of law, and combating corruption. Kovachevski...

Macedonia 31.03.24 | 15:06

Nikoloski: Filipce and Spasovski are competing for the SDSM party leadership

Discussing the upcoming duel in the 4th electoral district, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski said that he will face his easiest opponent yet, in the face of former Healthcare Minister Venko Filipce. The party leaders will face each other in the 1st electoral district. But the duel in the...

Macedonia 27.03.24 | 18:59

“Coalition for European Future” is established by SDSM and coalition partners

The leader of SDSM, Dimitar Kovachevski, along with leaders from various coalition partners, formalized the establishment of a pre-electoral coalition named “Coalition for European Future” by signing a coalition agreement on Wednesday, as announced by the party in a press release. The coalition...

Macedonia 26.03.24 | 21:37

With the polls indicating disaster for SDSM, its smaller coalition partners are running toward VMRO

With the elections drawing closer, and the polls showing unassailable lead for VMRO-DPMNE over SDSM, a group of small parties who are known for always siding with the winner, announced that they are leaving the ruling coalition and joining the opposition. VMRO-DPMNE officials broke the news this week....

Macedonia 26.03.24 | 11:55

SDSM: 200 euros extra for each first employment of young people

SDSM has a clear plan for a European Macedonia, a precise election program with specific measures and projects, it is stated in the announcement of SDSM. The focus of the program is the improvement of the standard of living of all citizens, above all the support for young people. The new SDSM government...

Macedonia 23.03.24 | 19:15

Top SDSM officials reportedly left party meeting, angry over the distribution of seats for the coming elections

A number of SDSM party officials reportedly left the meeting of the party in anger yesterday, after they were not given enough winning seats in the lists that the party is drawing out for the general elections. It’s expected that party leader Dimitar Kovacevski and his right hand man, the Secretary...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 22:28

SDSM formally nominates Pendarovski for the presidential elections, he urged supporters to be more optimistic

This evening the SDSM party formally named incumbent Stevo Pendarovski as their presidential candidate at the coming elections. SDSM party leader Dimitar Kovacevski praised Pendarovski as a candidate “with a clear vision for a prosperous country and for integration in the European Union”. The...

Macedonia 03.03.24 | 11:13

SDSM expected to nominate Stevo Pendarovski as their presidential candidate

After VMRO-DPMNE formally nominated Gordana Siljanovska – Davkova as their presidential candidate, SDSM is expected to hold a convention today, and nominate incumbent President Stevo Pendarovski for another run – his third in a row. Pendarovski lost the 2014 elections to Gjorge Ivanov, and...

Macedonia 10.02.24 | 11:43

Mexhiti: SDSM are silent observers as DUI pursues disastrous policies

As he was being removed as Healthcare Ministry, Fatmir Mexhiti from the Alliance of Albanians party launched a scathing attack not on DUI, the party who insisted that he must go, but on SDSM – the “larger” coalition partner who has enabled DUI’s power-grab over the past seven...

Macedonia 08.02.24 | 20:38

DUI and SDSM lost one vote in their fight against the Alliance of Albanians

The DUI-SDSM coalition lost one vote from its majority, as it tries to discipline the smaller Albanian partner – Alliance of Albanians. Menduh Thaci, leader of the once major DPA party, said that he will not attend the Parliament session or vote for the proposed new ministers. DUI is leading the...

Macedonia 28.12.23 | 20:20

To avoid a demoralizing defeat, SDSM is asking diplomats to prevent Albanian candidates from running in the presidential elections

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski revealed that SDSM party officials are touring embassies in Skopje, asking them to push for a more favorable outcome in the coming elections. Specifically, SDSM was asking the embassies who have some influence over the opposition Albanian parties to ask them not...

Macedonia 08.12.23 | 13:47

VMRO: Palevski was protected by the Government because he was politically useful to them

Police structures close to the SDSM party protected Ljupco Palevski for years, because his actions were in their political favor, said the opposition VMRO-DPMNE party. The controversial businessman and populist politician is charged with organizing the kidnapping and murder of 14 year old Vanja Gjorcevska,...

Macedonia 22.11.23 | 21:40

SDSM is losing the argument, will accept holding the presidential and general elections on the same day

Justice Minister Krenar Loga revealed to the press that the ruling coalition is coming to a decision to combine the presidential and the general elections planned for 2024. Until recently, SDSM refused this common sense proposal from VMRO-DPMNE, who asked that the two elections, that should have taken...

Macedonia 12.09.23 | 13:14

Preelection horse-trading? A new amnesty law in preparation by a summary procedure

The Ministry of Justice submitted a new draft law on amnesty by a summary procedure, Plusinfo informs on Tuesday, citing ruling party sources. The new draft law anticipates a reduction of prison terms by 30% for criminal perpetrators with valid sentences. The law doesn’t involve the so-called...

Macedonia 12.09.23 | 12:35

The government purchased 70% more expensive software licenses from a company involved in the jailed former secretary general’s scandals

SDSM continues with its crimes unabated – they engaged the same company the former government’s Secretary General, now sentenced to a long jail term, used to purchase software worth €15 million, to purchase software, this time for €26 million, MRO-DPMNE informed on Tuesday. The company...

Macedonia 11.09.23 | 14:20

Students still didn’t receive the textbooks after two weeks, this government destroyed entire generations

The students are without textbooks for a second week now. This government destroyed entire generations. Each year with SDS/DUI in power the students wait for their free and legally promised textbooks for several months. Instead of textbooks, each year they receive scripts, which they have to photocopy...

Macedonia 06.09.23 | 18:32

SDSM tried to dupe musicians to perform at their event

Several popular musicians, led by Jordan Mitev, canceled their participation at an Independence Day concert planned near Skopje, because the concert took on a political tone and was organized by the SDSM party. The event in Pelenica was supposed to be an Independence Day concert but whether deliberately...

Macedonia 06.09.23 | 13:23

The government is incapable to print simple textbooks for three years now – something that this country did for decades

The DUI/SDS government wasted billions of euros of people’s money and they can’t even print simple textbooks! That is a deliberate destruction of the Macedonian educational system and the lives of generations of children. There must be criminal accountability for this. They didn’t even...

Macedonia 06.09.23 | 13:14

The Serbian opposition follows the same scenario as SDSM when in opposition: They attempted to prevent the adoption of a revised budget by screaming and braking things

The Serbian opposition works by the same scenario as the current ruling majority in Macedonia, the Social Democrats, did when they were in opposition over a decade ago. First, they abused the mass murders in Belgrade and Mladenovac to come to power without elections, and on Tuesday they copied another...

Macedonia 02.09.23 | 09:27

SDSM politicizes the publicly funded “We are Europe” campaign

The ruling SDSM party abused the publicly funded campaign started by the SDSM led Government meant to persuade citizens about the need to accept the Bulgarian demands on the path to join the EU. The campaign, funded from the budget with 80,000 EUR, includes events where Prime Minister Kovacevski and...
