Tag: Zaev
News 29.04.24 | 11:48

What are you up to? Zaev is in the United States with the organization that created the Colorful Revolution

The former prime minister and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev is currently in the United States. This information would have gone unnoticed if he, as the Lord provided, did not brag about where he was and even sent political messages about the events in Macedonia. The organizer of Zaev’s trip to the USA...

Macedonia 23.04.24 | 16:43

Jovanovski: The Louis Vuitton bag was given to Zoran Zaev’s brother

Regarding the best known extortion, the seizure of at least 1.5 million EUR from Kamcev, which Bojan Jovanovski and his associate Zoran Milevski – Kiceec famously took in a Louis Vuitton bag, Jovanovski confirmed that the money were taken by Kiceec and delivered to Zoran Zaevs brother Vice. “He...

Macedonia 23.04.24 | 12:57

In a bombshell interview, Bojan Jovanovski reveals details about Zaev’s corruption and the judicial attacks on the opposition

In an extensive, five hours long interview, Bojan Jovanovski – Boki 13 revelaed minute details about his corrupt activities that involve top SDSM party officials. The flamboyant showman is sentenced to a long prison term after he used his SDSM party ties to extort millions from businessman that...

Macedonia 18.01.24 | 21:32

Kovacevski and Zaev patch up their differences during a joint meeting with Ahmeti

DUI leader Ali Ahmeti convened a meeting of the rival SDSM party leaders Dimitar Kovacevski and Zoran Zaev, to make sure that they are all on board ahead of the coming general and presidential elections. According to Klan TV, the three had a long lunch today to iron out the differences between Zaev and...

Macedonia 13.12.23 | 17:21

Zaev comes to defense of his friend Koco Angjusev while Ambassador Aggeler warns about an “epidemic of corruption”

Former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev came to the defense of his once deputy Koco Angjusev, after Angjusev was put on the US black list as a corrupt businessman who uses his influence to subvert investigations. Zaev was also named in a recent update on the US Treasury black list, not as a primary target,...

Macedonia 20.11.23 | 23:40

Aggeler: We know who are the corrupt actors in this country

US Ambassador to Macedonia Angela Aggeler called for a corruption investigation in former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. The statement comes days after the US Treasury Department published the new black list of corrupt Balkan politicians – Zaev was not sanctioned by it, but he was prominently mentioned...

Macedonia 16.11.23 | 23:45

US black lists Samsonenko, mentions Zaev, in its latest list of corrupt Balkan officials

The US Treasury Department issued a list of new individuals and companies from the Balkans, including Macedonia, who are placed on their black list. The list includes Russian-Macedonian businessman Sergey Samsonenko, but also, notably, a mention of former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Samsonenko, his wife...

Macedonia 16.09.23 | 15:19

Nikoloski: Criminal acts Zaev may have done as Prime Minister will begin to reach statute of limitations under the new law

Criminal allegations against Zoran Zaev will reach statute of limitations with the changes to the Criminal Code and SDSM and DUI rushed through Parliament, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski in his latest “Fokus” magazine editorial. The statute of limitations is reduced down...

Macedonia 15.09.23 | 18:14

Supreme Court uphelds the sentences in the Good Friday massacre

The Supreme Court today rejected appeals from the islamist defendants in the horrific 2012 Good Friday massacre. Four Macedonian boys and one man were killed by three Islamists in an attack near Skopje apparently meant to provoke a religious war in the country. The case already went through one retrial...

Macedonia 13.09.23 | 20:40

Zaev urges Greece to implement some of its obligations under the Prespa Treaty

Former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev urged Greece to begin implementing its few obligations under the Prespa Treaty – Greece has blocked ratification of treaties for cooperation, is not working to open a border crossing near Prespa, and has not even changed its road signs to use the imposed name “North...

Macedonia 30.08.23 | 20:13

Gruevski dismisses claims that Macedonia was isolated under him, reveals that Zaev gave sensitive audio-tapes to Bulgaria

Former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski responded sternly to the comments from Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski that under his term, Macedonia was under international isolation. In a Facebook comment, Gruevski describes all the successes in opening Macedonia politically, diplomatically and economically...

Macedonia 03.08.23 | 15:42

The Zaev brothers are polluting the air in one of Macedonia’s cleanest regions

A brick plant owned by the Zaev brothers near Resen is badly polluting the air in the city, say locals. Singer Tanja Carovska warns that the air is extremely polluted, even a village several kilometers outside of the city, and close to a hospital for people with lung illnesses. We are 900 meters above...

Economy 10.07.23 | 17:39

Austrian company still can’t collect the millions it is owed by the Zaev clan

A court ordered public auction against the DENA pickles company, which is in the center of a political controversy, was postponed today. The Veles based company is owned by Atanas Kostov, an in-law of Zoran Zaev, who owes 4.5 million EUR to the Austrian AMMA wholeseller. Austrian Ambassador to Macedonian...

Macedonia 02.07.23 | 10:58

Zaev praises Tsipras after disastrous elections

Zoran Zaev praised the former Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras for resignation as leader of the SYRIZA party. In 2018 Zaev teamed up with Tsipras to impose the Prespa Treaty on the Macedonians – which led to forcible renaming of the country and redefiinng of the Macedonian history and identity,...

Macedonia 18.03.23 | 17:57

Alfa: Zoran Zaev and Ljubco Georgievski are in business together in Strumica

Alfa TV reports that Ljubco Georgievski, the former Prime Minister of Macedonia who has now fully embraced Bulgarian positions on the origin of the nation, has extensive business interests with Zoran Zaev in Zaev’s stronghold of Strumica. Georgievski originally sought Bulgarian citizenship to avoid...

Macedonia 04.03.23 | 08:28

Zaev predicted that his policies won’t mean bread for all

The bread shortages, caused by the SDSM – DUI government, reminded public commentators on Zoran Zaev’s statements several years ago. Some have shared a video where Zaev says that his party will bring about EU and NATO membership, but warning citizens that they won’t automatically mean...

Macedonia 31.10.22 | 17:31

The Healthcare Ministry has stopped conducting oversight over Zaev’s marijuana businesses

The Healthcare Ministry is delaying the appointment of officials to the board that is supposed to monitor the work of the rapidly expanding cannabis industry. Dozens of businesses received licenses to grow marijuana under Zoran Zaev, many of them linked to his cronies or outright family members, and...

Macedonia 08.05.22 | 12:05

“Zaev businesses are abusing the farm subsidies program”

VMRO-DPMNE called out the Government for giving 1.4 million EUR in farming subsidies to companies linked to former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, at a time when ordinary farmers are facing problems finding markets. Our rice and cabbage farmers can’t sell their harvests, while the Zaev family is raking...

Macedonia 06.05.22 | 10:01

Businessman accuses Zaev of pressuring him to sell a lucrative hotel site for a third of its market price

Businessman Boris Stojmenov accused former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev of being behind the extortion campaign against him. Stojmenov is trying to build on the site of the TCC Plaza hotel he owned and demolished in downtown Skopje, but has faced pressure from the municipal authorities to stop construction....

Macedonia 14.04.22 | 22:32

Zaev praised by Tsipras at the SYRIZA party congress

Zoran Zaev was warmly welcomed at the SYRIZA congress in Athens today. Zaev was praised by SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras for the Prespa Treaty, with which a humiliating name and identity change was imposed on Macedonia. When nobody believed in us, when all were skeptics, Zaev and I were visionaries and...
