In two days, the price of diesel fuel EURODIESEL BS (D-E V) and fuel oil Extra light 1 (EL-1) will increase from midnight tonight, there is no change in the price of gasoline and the large number, the Regulatory Commission for Energy decided today, in days services and municipal waste management services (RKE).

The new price of a liter of diesel fuel will be 73.50 denars, and 72.5 denars will cost a liter of Extra Light 1. and a kilogram of M-1 NS fuel will cost 43,639 denars.

With the decision of RKE, the growth of the retail prices of petroleum products increases by an average of 1.13 percent compared to yesterday’s decision.

The reference prices of petroleum products on the world market compared to the calculations are observed on average: for gasoline by 1.951 percent, for diesel by 4.759 percent, for extra light oil by 4.784 percent and for fuel oil the increase is by 1.060 percent The exchange rate of the denar against the dollar in the past period after which the prices were formed with the previous results, it is higher by 0.335 percent, RK states in the explanation for the decision.