The Zaev Government proudly announced the investment of the Indian automotive cables company Malhotra, which is opening a new factory in Macedonia. Deputy Prime Minister Koco Angusev said that it is a new investment whose details were worked out in the past year and half – the period Zaev and Angusev have been in office.

But, Malhotra is actually one of the numerous manufacturing companies who began negotiating their investments in Macedonia during the Nikola Gruevski term in office. VMRO-DPMNE issued a statement reacting to this attempt to portray the results of their work as something SDSM, Zaev and Angusev accomplished.

The company was first announced as an investor in December 2016, and construction on their plant was supposed to be completed by the end 2017. The full investment, worth 9.3 million EUR, was announced during the VMRO-DPMNE Government. We now witness yet another lie from SDSM, whose only purpose in politics is to manipulate the public, VMRO-DPMNE wrote in their reaction after Angusev announced Malhotra as one of his successfully negotiated deals.

The Gruevski Government put in place a favorable package of tax and regulatory cuts and pre-prepared manufacturing zones, which brought dozens of new foreign direct investments in Macedonia. Shortly after being pushed out of office, he warned that dozens of additional negotiations, led by hand-picked Government ministers, often recruited among Macedonian born talent working in top international companies, are being left out in the cold and are unable to receive positive feedback from the new Government. Few of these investments eventually materialized in the Zaev term in office so far.