On September 14, the Administrative Court will decide whether to uphold the appeal of the non-governmental association “Youth for Macedonia”, whose name has been contested by the Ministry of Justice since 2018, because it does not contain the “North” addition, reports MKD.mk adding that two years ago the Ministry of Justice did not allow the registration of an association named “Youth for Macedonia”. The Administrative Court held a public hearing yesterday.

In the response to the Administrative Court, the Ministry of Justice says that they stand by the decision that, according to the Law on Associations, prohibits the use of the term Macedonia, which can only be used with the approval of the competent ministry.

After yesterday’s public hearing in the Administrative Court, the representative of the non-governmental student association “Youth for Macedonia”, lawyer Toni Menkinoski, stated that this association has the genetic right to identify itself as Macedonian and to use the term Macedonia.

The use of the name “Macedonia” is a basic human and genetic right and we will go to the end for this matter, lawyer Tony Menkinoski and plaintiff Dimitar Dzundev emphasized after the public hearing in the Administrative Court. They demand the annulment of the decision of the Ministry of Justice and the registration of the association “Youth for Macedonia” from Gevgelija.