Thursday afternoon, the Skopje Criminal Court imposed a 30-day house arrest on four individuals connected to the incidents at M-NAV. Additional precautionary measures include the temporary seizure of travel documents, a prohibition on their issuance, and a restraining order preventing contact with or establishment of relationships with the injured party. One of the individuals affected by the decision is Bekir Neziri, an advisor at M-NAV and a member of DUI.

The court’s decision, based on presented facts, evidence, and responses from the defense to the prosecutor’s appeal, partially accepts the Public Prosecutor’s appeals. The press release stated, “The appeals of the Public Prosecutor are partially accepted, and decisions are made imposing house arrest for a duration of 30 days on the four individuals, along with additional precautionary measures.”

According to the court’s decision, the Interior Ministry is responsible for supervising house arrest, and parties involved have the right to appeal within 24 hours of receiving the decisions.

The court emphasized that the specific incident did not occur in the control tower, where navigation takes place, but in a space separated by at least two security entrances before the tower. Despite this, the court acknowledged that the suspects’ actions warrant further investigation to establish the actual situation. In light of these circumstances, the court implemented measures to ensure additional guarantees for the availability of the four suspects.