The MEPSO energy transportation company was writing off debts to politically linked companies and was handing donations to sport clubs and various associations, said VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Marija Miteva, as the work of the state institutions is being audited by the new Government.

The scale of the donations is shocking, Miteva added – in 2024 so far MEPSO spent 12,3 million denars for its basic tasks but gave away 22.7 million denars in donations. A total of 14 million EUR in debt from energy companies was written off by MEPSO, and a number of those companies are owned by businessmen close or related to SDSM and DUI party officials.

The Dynamic Skopje fitness club received a donation of 200,000 denars. 100,000 were given to the Macedonian Dentistry Association. What was the purpose of these donations?, asked Miteva. Several football clubs from Skopje, close to the DUI party, also received large donations from MEPOS.