EU Ambassador to Macedonia David Geer joined in the criticism of the rule of law in the country, that was recently expressed by the US Ambassador. Gere lamented the fact that the EU spent millions on improving the rule of law in Macedonia, and added that “we and the citizens rightfully expect that it will generate results”.

He referred to the results in the past months as very disappointing. One big issue was the appointment of a poorly qualified DUI party supporter as the next special prosecutor – a position once held by the disgraced Katica Janeva and then by the recently removed Vilma Ruskoska. Geer said that the EU will follow the reforms in the judiciary closely and that the sector needs to show professionalism.

He also urged the opposition to join with the ruling coalition in supporting key decisions for Macedonia’s EU integration. This is an obvious call on VMRO-DPMNE to support the latest round of demands from Bulgaria, which currently wants constitutional amendments that will include the Bulgarian nation in the Constitution, besides the ongoing process of rewriting Macedonian history.