VMRO-DPMNE presidential candidate, Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, has launched the hashtag #StevoIzvini (Stevo, I apologize) on her newly created Twitter profile. In the first such tweet, she called the defendants in the April 27case terrorists and sarcastically apologized to Pendarovski for pardoning the lawmakers who opened the Parliament’s doors.

Since my opponent, Stevo persistently asks for my justification for something that is not related to me at all, and I have condemned it several times in public appearances, here I accept the challenge of Stevo. # StevoIzvini for having pardoned the gatekeepers of the terrorists, wrote Siljanovska.

#СтевоИзвини за тоа што ги амнестиравте вратарите на терористите.

— Гордана Силјановска Давкова (@gogamkd) March 18, 2019