Gratitude for the continuous support from our strategic partner the United States of America for the development of our country, especially for the development of defense capabilities, Minister Misajlovski expressed at today’s meeting with the US ambassador, Angela Ageler, the new defense attaché, Colonel Daniel Squires, and Lieutenant Colonel Shawn Ruffolo, the chief of the Office for Defense Cooperation, which was implemented in the Ministry of Defense.

“Together with our strategic partner, we are strengthening national, regional security and collective defense in the Alliance. A peaceful and stable region is of particular importance for the progress of all the countries of the Western Balkans, and the Macedonian Army, as a proven ally, will continue to actively contribute to the peace support operations,” emphasized Minister Misajlovski.

He pointed out that for the past 30 years, the United States has actively contributed to a stable region, and thanks to the training, training and professional development programs, as well as the support for the modernization and equipping of the Army, today the members of the Army make a significant contribution within the framework of the command structures of the Alliance. and in peacekeeping missions led by NATO, the EU and the UN. Both sides expressed confidence that the excellent defense cooperation between the two countries will continue with increased intensity.

The meeting discussed, among other things, the current security situation in the region and on the European continent in order to preserve the security, stability and peace of the citizens, as well as the upcoming NATO Summit that will be held next month in Washington