One of the most famous experts in the field of security in Albania, Ilir Kula, assesses that what is happening with Macedonia is a mockery and that it is an injustice that the state does not deserve.

Speaking about the Bulgarian veto, which conditions the opening of negotiations with Macedonia and consequently with Albania, Kula said that “everyone sets conditions for Macedonia, regardless of the rights of the citizens living there.”

The truth is that, forgive me for the expression, everyone is joking with Macedonia. When it was history, Greece conditioned them with the name, these others condition its language, Edi Rama says that it is western Bulgaria, Serbia conditioned the church. Do the citizens there who will become part of the EU have any rights?, says Kula.

He adds that “the problem is what is being done to Macedonia”, and whether “the Macedonian government will accept the fall”, as well as that Albania is a victim of this and should not be conditioned.

Bulgaria approved the French plan. Now we come to the part where we talk about the environment, because there is a political debate in Skopje, and the political debate in Skopje by the Prime Minister is that they do not accept the French plan. I repeat, we are taken hostage, for a political issue that has nothing to do with Albania, it is a victim of this and should not be conditioned. This is the truth, whether someone wants to admit it or not, says Kula.