On Wednesday, Ljupcho Janevski tendered his resignation as the Director of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism (APPT), citing personal reasons for his departure.

Janevski confirmed to MIA that he has formally submitted his resignation, expressing gratitude to the agency’s staff and the tourism sector for their collaboration throughout his tenure of five and a half years. Reflecting on the agency’s transformation from an overlooked entity to one with a commendable reputation amid numerous challenges, he emphasized the importance of having qualified professionals in key roles. Janevski underscored his commitment to this principle, having set an example through his own diligence and dedication. He stressed the significance of Macedonia’s progress, as the kind of state constructed today determines the quality of life in the future.

Ljupcho Janevski assumed the role of Director at the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism (APPT) in February 2018.