VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski congratulated to the European People’s Party, where VMRO is a member, on the victory in the European Parliament elections yesterday.

On behalf of VMRO-DPMNE, I am delighted to extend the warmest congratulations to the European People’s Party on the outstanding victory in the European Parliament elections. This remarkable achievement reflects the unwavering support and confidence that European citizens have in the EPP’s leadership and commitment to a united and prosperous Europe. The success of the EPP is an important milestone, underscoring the importance of the values we collectively uphold. VMRO-DPMNE is eager to continue our close collaboration with the EPP, working together to address the pressing challenges facing our continent and to promote peace, stability, good governance and economic growth, Mickoski said in a social media statement.

The EPP will remain the largest party in the European Parliament and will likely form the core of the next coalition. The elections saw the rise of right wing parties from other groups, prompting French President Macron to dissolve the National Assembly due to the poor performance of his party, and the resignation of Belgian PM De Croo.