The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, in response to a journalist’s question, to comment on the reactions from official Athens and the announcements by the Greek Prime Minister, Mitsotakis, that the issue of the use of our constitutional name could be opened at the upcoming NATO summit said:

“I do not expect a Taliban relationship, censorship of basic human rights, and everything that is contained in the Prespa Agreement and is part of our legal system and constitutional order, the future government of VMRO-DPMNE will respect… the proposed law that we are submitting today is with the adjective. But my human right, guaranteed by many conventions, is the right to expression and speech. I don’t get angry with politicians when they don’t say the full and complete name of their country, but the end or part of that name. For me, my homeland, in every statement I make, is Macedonia and it will remain Macedonia,” Mickoski said.