VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski warned that Kovacevski Government is ignoring his offer to reach national unity on the dispute with Bulgaria and is preparing for major concessions. Mickoski warned that the Bulgarian demands go far beyond amending the Constitution to include the Bulgarian minority and will lay claim on the Macedonian national identity, language and history.

We must have unity because the information that is coming to me shows that at stake is much more than amending the Constitution. I called for unity, but Kovacevski is refusing this offer. This means we, as a country, can’t solidify our positions to protect our national identity. Our proposal would mean that both the Government and the opposition protect the identity, history and our language. The refusal of our proposal could only mean that Kovcevski is in coalition with Bulgaria and supports their claims, Mickoski said.

Our mayors elected in the region of Bitola and Prilep showed how our party works for the benefit of the citizens. We have more than 1,000 projects we are working on, and it would’ve been double if it weren’t for the chaos left by the previous administration, Mickoski said during an event in Bitola that was attended by the recently elected mayors of Bitola, Prilep, Resen and Mogila. “We began construction or reconstruction work on 33 kindergartens and 68 schools. We are building or repairing 100 kilometers of roads, 111 water and sewage lines and 96 playgrounds and parks. We cleared up 200 illegal dump sites. Only in Bitola, 1,100 claims to legalize homes that were blocked are now resolved. The Government closed its doors for the people but we are with you”, Mickoski added.

VMRO-DPMNE swept the local elections and won nearly all major cities and urban centers, as well as a large majority of rural areas. Mickoski called for speedy early general elections, citing the numerous crises Macedonia faces.

The citizens are hit hard by the inflation. The Government says that these are just token increases in the prices, but ask the households about their latest bills. Those who paid 8,000 denars a month for electricity now pay 14,000. And the Government blocks our proposals in the Parliament to increase the public sector wages and retirement incomes, Mickoski added.