In the first round, we scored a huge victory, which showed that the people are aware of what is happening in our homeland. This is a people’s revolution, primarily because the prevailing feeling is that the people have become rentiers in their own country. And that precisely because of the duo SDSM-DUI, said Hristijan Mickoski, president of VMRO-DPMNE at tonight’s rally in Kavadarci.

Mickoski pointed out how nothing works and how the institutions are not in favor of the citizens.
Mickoski pointed out that the problem is that DUI is the boss in the country. Mickoski said that these days they are heavily involved in two scenarios that are essentially a conspiracy against Macedonia. Mickoski concluded that the solution to all this is mass turnout.

“Mobilization and mass turnout. The solution to both the boycott and the mercantile division of departments is only one mass vote in elections. “The more they vote, the greater the force for change will be,” Mickoski said.