The group of political parties that are trying to form the next Bulgarian Government agreed to maintain its unified position toward Macedonia, indicating that the country can’t expect much progress at the European Council meeting in mid December.

Representatives from the PP party, which narrowly won the most recent of the three general elections that Bulgaria held this year indicated that they are open to a more relaxed position toward Macedonia. But foreign policy officials from the Bulgarian Socialist Party, mainly former Foreign Minister Kristijan Vigenin, and from the ITN party, insisted that the position of the coalition is to continue to exert pressure on Macedonia along the lines of the declaration adopted by the previous Parliament. This 2019 declaration calls on Macedonia to accept thorough rewriting of its history and redefining of its national identity.

A group of three protest parties and the older BSP party are in the process of public discussions as they try to form the next ruling coalition.

We need a lasting solution to the disputed issues as a basis to allow that country to progress in the process of joining the EU. That will be achieved with firmly protecting the Bulgarian national interests, without compromises on the issues of the historic truth, based on documents and facts, Vigenin asked from the other would-be coalition partners.

With the new Government unlikely to be formed in the coming weeks, Macedonia has little hope that Bulgaria will lift its veto at the December 14th European Council.