First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi has a budget of over 20 million denars (300,000 EUR) to distribute to non-Governmental organizations. Fani Karanfilova – Panovska, the director of the largest such organization, the George Soros funded Foundation Open Society Macedonia (FOSM), called Grubi out to announce the way in which he intends to distribute the funds.

Our council will help the Ministry define its priorities and program the funds, design its public bids and we will participate in the selection process. But we still haven’t received a response, Karanfilova said.

Under the Zaev regime, the budget for NGO organizations exploded. Many left wing groups were part of the SDSM led Colored Revolution which brought that party to power, and were richly rewarded afterwards.

But Grubi leads the Ministry for political system that is set up to advance ethnic Albanian causes, and he’s likely planning to distribute the funds to mainly Albanian organizations.