Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov held a reception for the diplomatic corps in Skopje, telling them that he would not change a single word of his criticism of the developments in Macedonia which he expressed in the United Nations General Assembly and in his latest speech before the Parliament. At the end of his second term in office, Ivanov remains a strong opponent of the process to rename Macedonia and to redefine the Macedonian national identity, prompting the Government to publish the amendments to the Constitution without his signature, in clear violation of the Constitution.

I will say it again, the right to self-determination and the right of the Macedonian people to exist must not be put into question, just as the respect for the principles of democracy and the rule of law must not be put into question, said President Ivanov.

The President said that there is no place for triumphalism unless the new year brings serious infrastructure investment and realistic European style reforms. President Ivanov added that he remains a supporter of joining EU and NATO, as institutions which would contribute to the security and prosperity of the country.