Many of the Government members and Colored Revolution activists who would forcefully reject any possibility of amnesty saw their past statements pop up on them following the amnesty law passed by Parliament.
Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska in particular was reminded of her May 2017 statement that “we will not bargain with amnesties”.

– We did not bargain with them when we were in crisis, when we were deeply in the opposition, we did not bargain with them when they threatened us with attacks in the Parliament, we will not bargain now, Sekerinska said then.
Now that the ruling majority is in need of 8 to 9 votes to adopt the amendments that will rename Macedonia, Sekerinska is saying that she is prepared to forgive several members of Parliament from VMRO-DPMNE who insist on pardons before they support the renaming

Another angle of criticism of Sekerinska came from her insistence on a tough prison sentence for an elderly man who pulled her by the hair during the incident. Pance Angelov (65) was sentenced to four years in prison and is expected not to be covered by the amnesty, while the members of Parliament, whose votes the Government needs, will be amnestied.

SDSM member of Parliament Pavle Bogoevski, who as a Colored Revolution activist would often make angry threats that there will be no pardons and that all VMRO-DPMNE charged with crimes will be held responsible, was criticized after acknowledging on his social media account that they must make “a trade”.


– It’s a trade. The price is right. I’m not excusing this, Bogoevski wrote, after voting in favor of the amnesty law.

Other outspoken Colored Revolution activists like professor Gordana Popsimonova called the move “a disastrously bad start” and a case of “ruling with scandal after a scandal, starting with petty corrupt practices” Law professor Nikola Tupancevski, also close to SDSM, wrote that the law is “legal dilettantism” and that “there is no more rule of law in Macedonia or legal security”.