Professor Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, one of the leading contenders for the opposition nomination in the coming presidential elections, said that the name of the country is inseparable part of the right to self-determination. Siljanovska accused the Zaev Government of giving up on the right to self-determination of the Macedonian people.

The name, along with the flag, the anthem, the Constitution, are all elements of the right to self-determination. Every nation has the right to determine its political system, its symbols, its anthem. We see that the current Government gave up on this right. In order to initiate procedures and build a team of experts centered around the President, we will need a different Government, this Government must go, because the international relations prerogatives are divided between the President and the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Siljanovska said during one of her town hall meetings as she seeks the VMRO nomination.

Siljanovska is a critic of the Prespa treaty, which Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras signed to rename Macedonia into North Macedonia. She wrote an extensive critical analysis of the treaty, pointing out to its many failures and violations of international law.