Arben Taravari, representing the Worth It coalition currently engaged in negotiations with VMRO-DPMNE for the formation of a new government, asserted on Tuesday his confidence that the incoming government will initiate negotiations with the European Union. Additionally, Taravari indicated to the media that he is “most likely” to assume the role of Health Minister.

“I would only join the government if I see tangible reforms, advancements, and progress for the country, that’s certain. I am pleased that Macedonia is undergoing a significant government change after 22 years. In 2002, DUI and SDSM assumed power, while DPA and VMRO shifted to the opposition. Now, after 22 years, once again, the two governing parties are transitioning to the opposition, paving the way for genuine reforms and progress. I am confident that this government will kickstart negotiations,” Taravari conveyed to journalists when queried about Worth It’s stance on entering the government without conditions.

Taravari disclosed that the key aspects of the government’s agenda have been agreed upon and anticipates the finalization of the agreement within three to four days, yet emphasized, “this announcement should come from the future prime minister.”

Furthermore, he advocated for a national discussion on amending the Constitution once negotiations with the EU commence.

“Macedonia requires a new Constitution,” Taravari asserted.