The “European Front” coalition has submitted an objection to the State Election Commission (SEC) for the re-voting of Election Precinct 2101 in the village of Larce in the Municipality of Zelino, the SEC confirms for MIA.

No other objections to the re-voting on May 22 in seven electoral places in the fifth and sixth electoral units have been received by the SEC. The SEC is obliged to make a decision within 72 hours after receiving the objection. The candidates have the right to appeal the decision of the SEC to the Administrative Court, which, in turn, has to decide within 48 hours after receiving the appeal.

After the re-voting in polling station 2101 in Larce, Zhelino, the “European Front” Coalition lost one MP compared to the results of May 8, while the “Vredi” Coalition gained one parliamentary mandate.

According to the initial results after the re-voting in seven polling stations in constituencies 5 and 6 of the Parliamentary Elections 2024, the “Your Macedonia” coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE remains with 58 parliamentary seats, while the “European Front” coalition led by DUI lost one deputy and has 18 parliamentary mandates, the same as the Coalition for a European Future led by SDSM. The “Worth” coalition gained one more MP after the re-voting and now has 14, while the ZNAM Movement for our Macedonia and the Left remain with six parliamentary mandates each.