Speculations from SDSM about the loan from Hungary have been dispersed, said the VMRO-DPMNE party in a statement today. During yesterday’s press conference, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban himself said that the initial half a billion EUR loan is coming from European, and not Chinese sources, as SDSM have speculated.

Prime Minister Orban said that the loans Hungary draws from China are meant for specific projects in Hungary, and can’t be transferred elsewhere. The terms of the loan are exceptionally favorable for Macedonia, with a 3.2 percent interest rate, those are the best terms on the market. Additionally, it has a 3 years grace period and 15 years maturity. Our businesses will receive 250 million EUR and the remaining 250 million will go toward infrastructure projects. SDS works is opposed to growth. SDS wants Macedonia to stagnate and are hypocrites, because mayors from their party were the first to apply for loans. Macedonia will be economically transformed, and SDS can’t stop that process, said VMRO-DPMNE.