Venko Filipce declared more assets as a deputy than when he was a minister. The survey sheet of Venko Filipche shows that his assets increased by 150,000 euros in a period of 2 and a half years, Marija Miteva from VMRO-DPMNE reacts at a press conference.

Miteva asks, what did Filipce do for his property to increase by 150 thousand euros?

The calculations from the last survey sheet of Venko Filipce, submitted on June 28, 2024 to the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption as a Member of Parliament, show that he owns property worth 850 thousand euros.

When we look at the details, we will notice that Venko Filipce is actually hiding and manipulating a large property.

Venko Filipche, as Minister of Health, reported in his Questionnaire a house of 464 m2 built in 2017 and estimated at 27.8 million denars, as well as an apartment of 130 m2. estimated at 7.8 million denars acquired as a gift in 2016. While he registered another apartment in Skopje of 50 m2 acquired with a sales contract in 2010 in the name of joint property.

MP Venko Filipce reported in 2024 that he owns the following property: An apartment in Skopje worth 12 million denars acquired by inheritance in 2016, which he did not report when he was a minister, and according to what he stated he acquired it before taking office; A second apartment in Skopje acquired by inheritance in 2016 worth 3 million denars, which he also did not declare while he was a minister. Two apartments in Skopje worth 12 million denars each, acquired with a construction contract in 2017, which he also did not report in the Survey List while he was a minister, and an apartment in Centar worth 3 million denars acquired in 2008 with a sales contract, which he also did not state it while he was a minister.

We can understand that Venko Filipce sold the property he had when he was a minister, and this is not disputed if it is not in the new Poll list. But we cannot understand how in the Questionnaire sheet of MP Venko Filipce there were 5 flats in Skopje, which he wrote that he owned before entering the post of minister, and he did not declare them while he was holding the position, said Miteva.

She asks if Venko Filipce was hiding property? And is he still hiding?

We call on the SCSC as soon as possible to match the databases from the Questionnaire sheets of Venko Filipče as a minister and Venko Filipče as an MP and all that is listed as his property now, which he owned before he became a minister and did not declare it to prove how he acquired it.

We call on JO to seriously deal with the Questionnaire of Venko Filipche and how suddenly an old property appears in it, which he had never reported before?, said Miteva.