Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 29.04.22 | 16:15

Bulgaria also wants to take King Marko from us!

In the part of the historical figures that Bulgaria wants to take from Macedonia, King Marko came next. As far as we know, this historical figure has been put on the table in the discussions between the historical commissions and as has happened with almost all personalities and events so far, it is...

Macedonia 27.04.22 | 16:48

Osmani: If dispute between Skopje and Sofia is not resolved now, it could turn into “frozen conflict”

Now is the right time to resolve the outstanding issues between Bulgaria and Macedonia, if that does not happen in the near future the dispute could escalate into a “frozen conflict,'” Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said in an interview with Bulgarian television BTV. I think that in the future...

Balkans 27.04.22 | 09:54

Russia cuts natural gas deliveries to Bulgaria, and that’s where Macedonia’s supply came from

Russia is cutting natural gas deliveries to Bulgaria as of today. This can be a problem for Macedonia as well, because the gas for our country comes through the eastern neighbor. The head of the office of Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, Lena Borislavova, was calming down the citizens last night...

Macedonia 26.04.22 | 10:09

Will Kovacevski agree to Bulgarian blackmail becoming European conditions?

Silence from the government after the Prime Minister of Bulgaria announced that Macedonia’s path to the EU will last at least ten years and that by then their demands must be met. There will certainly be a new veto in June, and a shift according to the Bulgarian authorities will be possible when...

Macedonia 25.04.22 | 09:38

The Macedonian people must know what will be signed with Bulgaria

While Kovacevski and Osmani are hiding and fleeing to explain about the negotiations with Bulgaria with the Parliament and in front of the citizens, again the Macedonian public finds out details about the negotiations from Bulgaria and Petkov, accuses VMRO-DPMNE, calling the foreign policy of the current...

Macedonia 24.04.22 | 19:16

Mickoski: Bulgaria with the current positions wants to assimilate us as we enter the EU, the Government should be careful what it accepts

Answering a reporter’s question regarding the statement of Kiril Petkov for possible removal of the veto and inclusion of Bulgarians in the Macedonian Constitution, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said that this is what VMRO-DPMNE has been saying for months that our bilateral problems and...

Macedonia 23.04.22 | 14:21

Bulgaria to recognize Macedonian identity and language and open EU doors for Macedonia, Robin O’Neill tells “Republika”

Robin O’Neill, the first mediator in the Greek-Macedonian dispute, told the “Voice of the People” program that he was disappointed with the Bulgarian leadership for its brazen and non-European behavior towards Macedonia, imposing uncivilized behavior that violates European principles...

Macedonia 22.04.22 | 17:32

Pendarovski: We cannot open the Constitution as needed, as there is no guarantee that it would be Sofia’s last request

President Stevo Pendarovski said late Friday that the opening event of “Vanco Mihajlov” club in Bitola is controversial for two reasons – the name of the club and the composition of the Bulgarian delegation that came to Bitola. In my opinion, two moments are controversial. First, the name, I must...

Macedonia 18.04.22 | 17:13

MRTV is not yet broadcast in Bulgaria as agreed

The reciprocal broadcasting of Public Media Services of Macedonia and Bulgaria is not implemented, warns “Radio Free Europe”. Macedonian Radio Television is not broadcast on the Bulgarian air, while the Bulgarian national television BNT is broadcast in the country. Makedonski Telekom took...

Macedonia 17.04.22 | 14:38

It’s not just that”: Bulgarian authorities acknowledge that inclusion of Bulgarians in Constitution is not the only condition

The Bulgarian delegation that paid a visit to Macedonia is adamant that the main demand that is being forced at the moment, which is the inclusion of the Bulgarian minority in the Macedonian Constitution, is not the only one, that later there will be new demands. Vice President Iotova is clear Bulgaria...

Macedonia 16.04.22 | 10:19

The offer Macedonia made to Bulgaria will remain secret

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani insists that the proposal Macedonia apparently made to Bulgaria to resolve the historic dispute that blocks our EU accession path, will remain secret even after Bulgaria publicly rejected it. Yes, there is such a document, which we are prepared to accept, but until we have...

Macedonia 15.04.22 | 21:11

“Imagine if our Government officials opened a Macedonian cultural center in Blagoevgrad”

Imagine what would happen if Prime Minister Kovacevski went to Blagoevgrad to open a cultural center of the Macedonians there or of the OMO Ilinden – Pirin association, said VMRO-DPMNE representative Stefan Andonovski, about the planned visit tomorrow, in which Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov...

Macedonia 15.04.22 | 14:50

New betrayal is being prepared behind closed doors: Opposition demands Osmani to reveal what he is ready to accept

Bulgaria and Bujar Osmani are negotiating. Osmani suggests, Bulgaria refuses, but the Macedonian public has no insight into what the foreign minister is trading with. The last expert meeting of the teams of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was held on February 11 this year, where they discussed the latest...

Macedonia 14.04.22 | 16:09

Osmani made a proposal to Bulgaria, will only publish it after it is accepted

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said that a proposal was sent to Bulgaria to regulate all open issues that country currently has with Macedonia’s EU bid, and that it will be made public only after Bulgaria accepts it. Yes, there is one such document which we are prepared to accept. But until we...

Macedonia 13.04.22 | 16:26

Bulgarian President Radev supports separating Macedonia and Albania from the EU enlargement group

Bulgarian Prime Minister Rumen Radev said that his country will allow Albania to open its EU accession talks but remains a “no” on Macedonia. Radev said that Macedonia still has not implemented the demands from the Bulgarian package named 4+1 and blamed the Zaev and Kovacevski governments...

Macedonia 13.04.22 | 11:20

Macedonian nationals no longer required to present covid certificates for entry into Bulgaria

As of today, covid certificates are no longer required to enter Bulgaria from Macedonia. The decision was made by the Bulgarian Minister of Health Asena Serbezova, and applies to the citizens of Turkey, Romania, Serbia and Hungary. The decison also states that NATO troops participating in international...

Macedonia 09.04.22 | 20:32

Bulgaria and Radev with new demand to Macedonia: Bulgarians should not be called a minority

Although the representatives of the Macedonian government constantly assure that there is progress in the negotiations and that relations are improving, today new cold tones arrived from the Bulgarian President Rumen Radev. He said that he expects the Bulgarian government to strictly adhere to the Declaration...

Macedonia 09.04.22 | 14:08

VMRO-DPMNE: Kovacevski to present draft documents from negotiations with Bulgaria before Parliament, before a final act with catastrophic consequences

The government of SDSM and DUI behind the scenes is negotiating something with Bulgaria and at no point is the Parliament informed. Unlike Macedonia, in Bulgaria all relevant entities know and are informed, including the Bulgarian Parliament, said VMRO-DPMNE. If the government plans to bring the situation...

Macedonia 08.04.22 | 15:23

Petkov dismisses hopes that Bulgaria may lift the veto

Prime Minister Kiril Petkov again cooled hopes that Bulgaria will lift the veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks. While the Kovacevski Government is hoping that this may happen in June, Petkov said that there is a position of his entire coalition, which includes parties that a far more hardline...

Macedonia 06.04.22 | 15:33

Cooperation program would lead to Macedonia funding Bulgarian groups that deny Macedonian national identity

Deputy Prime Minister Bojan Maricic announced that the Government is open to form a joint fund that would support civic organizations and non-Governmental groups between Macedonia and Bulgaria. This raises the prospect of Macedonia funding Bulgarian NGO groups that want to redefine the Macedonian national...
