Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 27.08.21 | 12:17

Slovenian Defense Minister Tonin: It’s in Bulgaria’s interest to allow Macedonia into the EU

Slovenian Defense Minister Matej Tonin said that his country and the Slovenian Presidency of the European Council, will try to to explain to Bulgaria that allowing Macedonia into the EU is in its interest. Bulgaria is currently blocking Macedonia from opening EU accession talks, as it demands major concessions...

Macedonia 18.08.21 | 16:57

Donation: Bulgaria will give Macedonia 50,000 vaccines

The Government of Bulgaria announced it will donate over 50,000 doses of the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine to Macedonia. The decision was reported today by the BTA news agency. According to the agreement between the two countries, Macedonia will cover the transport costs.

Macedonia 17.08.21 | 22:43

Osmani: Turns out we need a political Government in Sofia to negotiate with after all

It became apparent that it will require a political Government in Bulgaria to overcome the differences, said Foreign minister Bujar Osmani. Osmani previously insisted that even the caretaker Government that has ran Bulgaria since April will be able to negotiate an agreement that will have Bulgaria lift...

Balkans 10.08.21 | 19:57

Bulgaria to hold new elections, dispute with Macedonia on a longer vacation

There Is Such a People (TISP) leader Slavi Trifonov said Tuesday in Sofia that his party will not present its draft cabinet to Bulgaria’s Parliament on Wednesday. This decision – unprecedented in Bulgaria’s recent history, came after TISP’s prime minister designate Plamen Nikolov received a cabinet-forming...

Macedonia 02.08.21 | 11:52

Osmani: Ilinden is also an important day for Bulgaria

Ilinden is an important day in a historical context for our country; an important holiday through which we nurture the significance of the values of the Krusevo Manifesto and the Asnom conclusions, which together with the Ohrid Framework Agreement we value as pillars in the construction of our common...

Macedonia 30.07.21 | 19:16

Pendarovski: Possibility of involving a third party in negotiations with Bulgaria not ruled out

President Stevo Pendarovski has said he doesn’t expect in the near future major changes regarding the dispute with Bulgaria since the country at the moment doesn’t have an interlocutor there as Sofia is yet to form a government. At Friday’s press briefing, the President pointed out that the...

Macedonia 30.07.21 | 18:35

Bulgaria disappointed with Macedonia’s Resolution outlining “red lines” in negotiations

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry on Friday expressed disappointment with a resolution that the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia adopted on July 29, 2021 and noted with regret that this act comes at a time when the bilateral dialogue between Sofia and Skopje began to move into a more positive and...

Macedonia 29.07.21 | 13:53

Macedonian Parliament adopts the VMRO proposed resolution that draws red lines in the negotiations with Bulgaria

The Macedonian Parliament voted today to adopt the resolution proposed by VMRO-DPMNE, on the future conduct of the negotiations with Bulgaria. The resolution draws red lines that will bind this and future Governments, as Bulgaria makes demands aimed at Macedonian history and national identity. Mickoski...

Macedonia 23.07.21 | 17:03

Foreign Minister Stoev wants Macedonia to acknowledge the Bulgarian minority in its Constitution

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Svetlan Stoev asked Macedonia to amend its Constitution and list the Bulgarians as one of the minority groups living here. According to Stoev, that is one way for Macedonia to appease Bulgaria and secure the opening of EU accession talks. Stoev also chastised the Zaev regime...

Macedonia 22.07.21 | 19:47

Parliament will discuss the “red lines” resolution next week

The members of Parliament overwhelmingly agreed to discuss the proposed resolution on the negotiations with Bulgaria next week. The resolution is proposed by VMRO-DPMNE, and it calls for the establishment of clear “red lines” kin the talks, that will prevent the Zaev regime from negotiating...

Macedonia 21.07.21 | 12:00

MEP Kyuchyuk proposes a history competition between Macedonian and Bulgarian students

Bulgarian member of the European Parliament and rapporteur on Macedonia Ilhan Kyuchyuk met with teachers and university professors from Veliko Trnovo and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University there, and while calling for the admission of Macedonia to the European Union, announced a competition in history...

Balkans 21.07.21 | 11:36

New coalition shapes up in Bulgaria, mixed messages for Macedonia

The Bulgarian Parliament voted to appoint Iva Miteva from the ITN protest party as its new Speaker with 137 votes. Surprisingly, Slavi Trifonov’s ITN won the support of the DPS party, which represents mainly the Turkish minority in the country, and which was the target of corruption allegations...

Balkans 16.07.21 | 17:14

There Is Such a People Party to nominate new Bulgarian PM “in due time”

There is Such a People (TISP) party, the winner in the July 11 snap general elections, will put forward a new nomination for a prime minister and a revised government line-up “in due time” but not now. This transpired Friday during a news conference at BTA’s National Press Club where TISP were...

Macedonia 14.07.21 | 15:25

Mucunski: The Portuguese proposal proves that Zaev is negotiating with Bulgaria about changes to our identity

The Portuguese proposal is proof that Zoran Zaev is negotiating with Bulgaria about the Macedonian national identity, said VMRO-DPMNE official Timco Mucunski in an interview with Republika. The proposal prepared by the Portuguese Presidency with the European Council provided that the two countries make...

Macedonia 13.07.21 | 14:16

Gjorcev: The Bulgarian position toward Macedonia is part of an old strategy and it won’t change regardless of the elections

Macedonia’s former ambassador in Sofia Marjan Gjorcev predicts that there will be no change in the Bulgarian position toward Macedonia, both because of the inconclusive outcome of the elections there, and because of long established Bulgarian national positions. Gjorcev says that, after a second election...

Macedonia 12.07.21 | 16:00

Bulgarian elections: Negligible number of votes were cast in Macedonia

A negligible number of votes were cast in Macedonia during the Bulgarian general elections yesterday.  Despite Bulgaria having over 100,000 passports issued to dual citizens in Macedonia, only a few hundred people voted in the polling stations opened in Macedonia. Nationalist politician Krasimir Karakacanov,...

Macedonia 12.07.21 | 15:25

Dimovski: No change in Bulgaria’s position toward Macedonia at least until October

VMRO-DPMNE official Ilija Dimovski predicts that there will be no meaningful changes in Bulgaria’s position toward Macedonia after the second inconclusive election in a row. The voters yesterday delivered more or less the same Parliament they did in the April elections, and forming a new Government...

Balkans 12.07.21 | 00:23

Borisov alleges fraud after another inconclusive election in Bulgaria

Former Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov accused the caretaker Government of rigging the early elections held today, after his GERB party won, but with a very narrow margin over the protest ITN party led by showman Slavi Trifonov. The vote, second this year, was marred by exceptionally low turnout...

Macedonia 11.07.21 | 09:13

Zaev hopes for a stable Government in Bulgaria that will lift the veto

With Bulgaria holding early general elections today, Zoran Zaev expressed hope they will result with a stable Government able to allow the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. Bulgaria has been blocking Macedonia since late 2020, as it insists that Zaev is not implementing the 2017 treaty he...

Macedonia 06.07.21 | 10:44

Bulgaria to stop vaccination of Macedonian nationals at the border on July 31

A month and a half after the vaccination of Macedonian nationals on the border with Macedonia began, the Bulgarian company “Komak Medical” will shut down the site on July 31, the owner of the company and doctor Milen Vrabevski told MIA’s correspondent in Sofia. The reason for the decision,...
