Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 07.05.21 | 21:39

Nikoloski: For VMRO-DPMNE, compromise with Bulgaria to the detriment of the Macedonian national interests not possible

Aleksandar Nikoloski, Vice President of VMRO-DPMNE,said Friday on TV Kanal 5’s “Samo intervju” show that for VMRO-DPMNE a compromise with Bulgaria to the detriment of Macedonian national interests is not possible, because there is no room for discussion. If the compromise affects the...

Macedonia 07.05.21 | 10:14

US Rep. Price says Bulgarian veto of Macedonia is frustrating

In an interview with Voice of America, US congressman David Price called on Bulgaria to end its blockade of Macedonia’s EU accession. It’s frustrating and I think somewhat dangerous for other countries, one by one to be throwing out these barriers. It took so many years to work out the name...

Macedonia 06.05.21 | 15:17

EU enlargement: Zaev hopes Macedonia will remain in group with Albania, wants to negotiate with Radev and the caretaker Government of Bulgaria

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev expressed hope that Macedonia will remain coupled with Albania when it comes to EU accession and that both countries will be allowed to advance in the process. The statement comes as he faces another major foreign policy humiliation – a year ago many in Macedonia were...

Macedonia 06.05.21 | 09:16

Bulgarian conductor will lead the Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra in concert to commemorate Goce Delcev

The Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra will hold a concert today to commemorate the 118th anniversary of the death of Goce Delcev. Bulgarian Hristo Hristov, who has worked with the Macedonian orchestra four times so far, will conduct the concert which will feature works by Grieg, Handel, Mozart, Wagner...

Macedonia 06.05.21 | 09:11

Bulgaria will hold early elections in July

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev announced that the country will hold early general elections on July 11th, after none of the main parties were able to put together a majority in the Parliament. The establishment GERB and BSP parties lost significant share of their support to the upstart populists of...

Macedonia 05.05.21 | 12:21

Zaev now insists that Macedonia doesn’t have to join the EU at all cost

With the growing threat that Macedonia will be left out of EU enlargement while Albania is allowed to advance, Zoran Zaev insisted that it is possible to reach a deal with Bulgaria, but added that he doesn’t want entry into the EU “at all cost”. Bulgaria is blocking Macedonia from opening...

Macedonia 05.05.21 | 10:44

Ill-informed citizens turned back from the Delcevo and Strumica crossings with Bulgaria

Over the long Easter weekend dozens of Macedonian citizens were turned back from the border crossings with Bulgaria near Delcevo and Strumica. Bulgaria allows Macedonian citizens in with negative PCR tests, but only allows entry at the Kriva Palanka – Kustendil crossing. Still, much of the public...

Macedonia 04.05.21 | 12:41

Committee of the European Parliament called on the Commission to review the situation with the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria

Activist Mihail Mihailov from Bulgaria said that he was informed by the European Parliament that it will review his petition against Bulgaria for its denial of the Macedonian minority. Mihailov is a self-declared ethnic Macedonian journalist best known for his frequent public urination of the Bulgarian...

Macedonia 29.04.21 | 12:48

Sekerinska doesn’t expect possible turnaround in relations with Bulgaria in June

The Minister of Defense Radmila Sekerinska does not expect that without a partner on the other side and with a technical government, as she stated, a turnaround is possible in terms of relations with Bulgaria regarding our country’s EU membership. But what we need to do by June, she stressed, is...

Macedonia 28.04.21 | 17:28

Pendarovski: It’s unlikely that talks with Bulgaria resume before July

President Stevo Pendarovski warned that there is little chance Macedonia will resume talks with Bulgaria and talk about lifting the Bulgarian veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks until July. Pendarovski was meeting top EU officials yesterday, at a time when Bulgaria is in a political crisis...

Macedonia 24.04.21 | 21:03

No progress in the latest round of talks between Macedonian and Bulgarian historians

Historian Dragi Gjorgiev, who leads the Macedonian team in the joint commission with Bulgaria, stated that there was no progress at the latest meeting. The commission was formed as part of the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty and it is tasked with looking for shared historic narratives between the two...

Macedonia 23.04.21 | 17:34

Macedonian and Bulgarian historians fail to overcome differences in history textbooks

The discussion at the 13th meeting of the Expert Commission on Historical and Educational Issues between Macedonia and Bulgaria, which took place yesterday and today online, was mostly focused on the approach and the form of textbook recommendations, leaving large differences in the approach and views...

Macedonia 19.04.21 | 14:48

Banned in Macedonia, the Star of Kutlesh is freely displayed in Bulgaria

A documentary program that the Bulgarian BTV channel is planning to air this week, on the town of Tryavna and its woodworkers, features the Star of Kutlesh or Star of Vergina sun symbol. The symbol is banned from public use in Macedonia, under the Zaev – Tsipras Prespa Treaty signed in 2018. Greece...

Macedonia 16.04.21 | 21:52

“No more concessions to Bulgaria”

VMRO-DPMNE will not support any more concessions to Bulgaria that damage Macedonian national interests, said party leader Hristijan Mickoski. Bulgaria blocks Macedonia from opening EU accession talks and demands significant additional concessions on historic issues and maters of national identity. We...

Macedonia 15.04.21 | 17:31

Bulgaria needs to lift its veto against Macedonia, Nikoloski calls during a conference with EU representatives

During a conference with members of the European Parliament, VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski called for support in having Bulgaria lift its veto against Macedonia’s EU accession talks. Bulgaria has been officially blocking this move since late last year and it demands major concessions...

Macedonia 05.04.21 | 15:02

Karakacanov acknowledges he will not enter the Parliament, but obstacles for Macedonia expected to remain in place

Odds that Macedonia will get Bulgaria to open EU accession talks seem to melt away with the outcome of the elections held yesterday. One major obstacle – the nationalist antics of Defense Minister Krasimir Karakacanov – may be removed as his party is likely to fail to meet the threshold for...

Macedonia 05.04.21 | 14:11

Nationalist Krasimir Karakacanov projected to end up with no seats in the Bulgarian Parliament

As the results from the elections in Bulgaria continue to pour in, it seems likely that the nationalist politician Krasimir Karakacanov will not win seats in Parliament. The electoral model has a 4 percent threshold and Karakacanov’s VMRO-BDN party is currently projected to fall short by half a...

Macedonia 05.04.21 | 10:03

A populist with record of tough talk on Macedonia pronounced kingmaker after the elections in Bulgaria

The ITN party lead by Bulgarian showman Slavi Trifonov, who has frequently made nationalist comments aimed at Macedonia, is the main winner of the general elections held there yesterday. Trifonov is projected to surpass the BSP socialist party to be second largest party in Bulgaria, behind the ruling...

Macedonia 02.04.21 | 23:28

Zaev expects a deal with Bulgaria in May or June

Zoran Zaev said that he excepts a solution to the dispute with Bulgaria to be found in May or June, after the Bulgarian elections, and that Macedonia will begin its EU accession talks by the end of the year. In a TV interview, Zaev insisted that he will not accept negotiations with the Macedonian national...

Macedonia 01.04.21 | 23:50

Mickoski: Enough with the national concessions

Macedonia can’t accept more concessions. We built this country with blood and struggle, and it is time that the international community now gives, and stops just taking from us, said VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski when asked about the demands for new concessions on historic and national identity...
