Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 13.01.21 | 10:36

Bulgarian officials present the action plan negotiated with Buckovski as a “change of tactics”

Euractiv, a Brussels based news outlet with ties to Bulgaria, reports that Bulgarian officials are focusing on issues such as economic exchange, investments and education as they push for changes to the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty. The document the two countries are negotiating, which is expected...

Macedonia 12.01.21 | 15:31

Buckovski: Macedonia will now review Bulgaria’s positions

In comments for the state run MIA news agency, Vlado Buckovski, who is the Government’s envoy to Bulgaria, said that he met Bulgarian officials in Sofia yesterday and that the Macedonian side will review the positions they raised. Buckovski is making his second trip to Sofia as envoy of Zoran Zaev,...

Macedonia 12.01.21 | 11:54

Bulgaria discussed an action plan for full implementation of the 2017 treaty with Buckovski

The Macedonian Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a brief comment regarding the visit of former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski to Bulgaria. Buckovski went there as envoy of Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, in a second trip since Bulgaria vetoed the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia. Macedonia remains...

Macedonia 11.01.21 | 20:17

Bulgaria has proposed an action plan on cooperation

Deputy Prime Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva met with the special envoy of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia Vlado Buckovski, who is paying a working visit to Bulgaria, the press center of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs told BGNES. During the meeting, ideas were exchanged for continuing...

Macedonia 11.01.21 | 19:01

Pendarovski: I have not received an Annex or a Protocol – There is no need for an additional Annex with Bulgaria

The Office of President Stevo Pendarovski has not received any documents in the form of annexes or protocols regarding the requests from the Bulgarian side. This is the answer that “Pressing TV” received after the statement of the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Krasimir...

Macedonia 11.01.21 | 10:48

Kotzias condemns Bulgaria for its veto against Macedonia, says it is destabilizing the Balkans

Former Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, who signed the 2018 Prespa treaty, condemned Bulgaria for its blocking of Macedonia’s EU accession talks. Even though Greece blocked Macedonia’s integrations for decades, Kotzias said that Bulgarian politicians, especially its Defense Minister...

Macedonia 09.01.21 | 21:39

MoFA informs about Buckovski’s upcoming travels to Sofia, says nothing about Karakachanov’s annex

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani this past week has had a contact with Bulgaria’s Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva and the two have agreed the two sides to exchange proposals regarding the Action Plan in the coming days, informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. According to the Ministry, the...

Macedonia 07.01.21 | 22:04

Dimitrov says the Government will “take a break” from the problem with Bulgaria until their elections are over

Zaev’s Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov said that Macedonia wants to see the dispute with Bulgaria put on the back burner until March, when Bulgarians go to the polls. Dimitrov told the MIA news agency that with the elections there, it is not a productive time to engage Bulgaria in talks. Let’s...

Macedonia 06.01.21 | 18:10

Unless it changes its attitude, Macedonia will wait to enter the EU for a long time, Karakacanov tells Zaev

Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir Karakacanov warned Macedonia that it will wait for entry into the European Union for a very long time, unless it changes its behavior. Karakacanov said that Macedonia must apologize to ethnic Bulgarians who were attacked after World War Two. Bulgaria has every right...

Macedonia 04.01.21 | 13:39

Talks will continue with this administration in Bulgaria and with any other in the future, says Maricic

Talks with Bulgaria will continue, the country is our neighbor and we have to seek settlement to the differences through European dignified policy. Negotiations will continue with this administration in Bulgaria and with any other in the future, Justice Minister Bojan Maricic said in an interview with...

Macedonia 03.01.21 | 10:11

Zaev blames Bulgaria of violating EU values, but says he has will continue a “calm dialogue” with it

In an interview with the state run MIA news agency, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev insisted that Bulgaria is violating foundational European norms with its veto of Macedonia’s accession talks. Still, Zaev said that Macedonia has no option but to continue a calm dialogue with Bulgaria and that he will...

Macedonia 31.12.20 | 23:09

Mickoski: Bulgaria is creating problems where there are none

In a New Year interview with Klan TV, VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski condemned the demands Bulgaria placed before Macedonia, and its veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks. Mickoski called on Brussels to intervene in the dispute, because “what Bulgaria wants is neither humane nor...

Macedonia 31.12.20 | 10:40

Bulgaria calls on Macedonia to protect ethnic Bulgarians and dual citizens from online hate campaigns

The Bulgarian Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a call to Macedonia to protect Bulgarians living in Macedonia from being called out on social media. The Foreign Affairs Ministry is carefully following the constant publications of lists of Bulgarian citizens of the Republic of Macedonia on the social media,...

Macedonia 30.12.20 | 15:15

“Does this look like mere administration to you?”, Mizrahi asks Zaev while showing him pictures of family members killed in the Holocaust

A dramatic moment occurred in the Parliament today, as Prime Minister Zaev and his ministers came to answer questions from representatives. Rasela Mizrahi from VMRO-DPMNE, the first Jewish member of a Macedonian Government who was ousted by Zaev after a vile anti-Semitic campaign by SDSM activists, blasted...

Macedonia 30.12.20 | 15:15

Zaev denies ever saying that Bulgaria’s occupation of Macedonia was mere “administration”

After the dramatic comments from member of Parliament Rasela Mizrahi, who blasted Zoran Zaev for his BGNES interview and the comment that Bulgaria’s occupation of Macedonia in World War Two was simply “administration”, Zaev flat out denied ever saying that. The comment, which Zaev most...

Macedonia 29.12.20 | 09:43

No reason to add an annex to the 2017 treaty, Pendarovski tells Bulgaria

In a TV interview, President Stevo Pendarovski insisted that there is no need for an additional annex to the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty with Bulgaria. Bulgaria is blocking Macedonia’s EU accession talks as it demands additional concessions and also a way to make them legally binding. We did...

Macedonia 28.12.20 | 13:17

Brussels Times editorial critical of the Zaev – Borisov treaty and how it lead to the Bulgarian veto

The Brussels Times – an English language paper from Belgium – carries an editorial by Bulgarian commentator Radosveta Vassileva, who is critical of Bulgaria’s veto of Macedonia in the EU accession process. Vassileva points to the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty and its clause that...

Balkans 27.12.20 | 10:47

Scandal in Bulgaria: Covid-19 vaccines transported by hot dog trucks

Just two hours after the arrival of the first shipment of coronavirus vaccines in Bulgaria, they were distributed from Sofia to Plovdiv. The vaccines were distributed in a transport vehicle transporting deli products, accompanied by four police vehicles. The vaccines were transported to the Regional...

Macedonia 25.12.20 | 20:48

Zaev: We wanted to be brothers with Bulgaria, but now they want to be our fathers

In a Kanal 5 TV interview, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev complained that Bulgaria misunderstood his expectations of the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty, and wants to have a dominant position in the relationship that was supposed to be among equals. I used my narrative toward an honest desire to have excellent...

Macedonia 25.12.20 | 20:32

Mickoski: If Bulgaria doesn’t drop its hardline demands, Macedonia needs to stop the talks and end the 2017 treaty

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski said that Bulgaria needs to step back from its maximalist demands, and if it doesn’t the Zaev Government must stop its negotiations. When it comes to Zoran Zaev, I believe he is capable of anything, of course if it doesn’t cost him or his family. He is...
