Tag: Bulgaria
Macedonia 05.10.20 | 13:54

Zaev expects that Bulgaria will not veto Macedonia, says their position on joint honoring of historic figures is reasonable

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said that he finds the Bulgarian position that Macedonia should honor historic figures like Goce Delcev jointly with Bulgaria to be justified. Zaev also said that he doesn’t expect that Bulgaria will block Macedonia from opening EU accession talks. I will say it once again...

Macedonia 05.10.20 | 13:42

Group of Bulgarian historians reject their Government’s EU memorandum on Macedonia

A group of Bulgarian historians and scholars issued an open letter condemning the position of the historians appointed to the joint committee with Macedonia, led by Angel Dimitrov. The group insists that the hardline position taken by Dimitrov is violating the principles of historic science and will...

Macedonia 03.10.20 | 10:12

Only 1% of citizens see Bulgaria as a friend

The director of the Prespa Institute, Andrea Stojkovski, in a debate on “360 Degrees” spoke about the perceptions of the citizens about the Agreement with Bulgaria measured in a survey conducted for the needs of the institute. If we look at the attitude of the Macedonian citizens towards...

Macedonia 02.10.20 | 21:09

Move to declare Ss. Cyril and Methodius as Bulgarians violates prior agreement with Macedonian historians

The decision by the Bulgarian Parliament to declare Ss. Cyril and Methodius as fathers of “Bulgarian literacy” may complicate the agreement to have the 9th century saints jointly honored by Macedonia and Bulgaria. Republika was told that the agreement reached last year between the two countries...

Macedonia 02.10.20 | 20:35

Council of Europe resolution calls on Bulgaria to stop denying registration to Macedonian organizations

The Council of Europe adopted a resolution that calls on Bulgaria to implement the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights in the cases where Macedonian organizations are demanding to be officially registered and recognized. Bulgarian authorities routinelly refuse to register organizations of...

Macedonia 01.10.20 | 22:15

Bulgaria moves to solidify its claim on Ss. Cyril and Methodius

Acting on a proposal from a nationalist coalition partner, the Bulgarian Parliament renamed the day of Slavic literacy (May 24) into the day of Bulgarian literacy. The day honors the beginning of the proselytizing mission of Ss. Cyril and Methodius to Moravia. Macedonia and Bulgaria both celebrate the...

Macedonia 28.09.20 | 20:36

Zaev: We won’t reach agreement with Bulgaria if we claim that Goce Delcev was solely a Macedonian

During a TV interview, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev acknowledged that Bulgaria will block Macedonia from opening EU accession talks unless he gives up on insisting that legendary VMRO leader Goce Delcev was exclusively a Macedonian. Bulgaria has been demanding a concession on the ethnic identity of Delcev...

Macedonia 24.09.20 | 13:54

Karakacanov says Bulgaria will act to postpone the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia

Nationalist Defense Minister Krasimir Karakacnov said that Bulgaria will move to postpone the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia, as the country still hasn’t delivered on the demanded concessions. Bulgaria wants Macedonia to agree to a new reading of history under which legendary VMRO...

Macedonia 24.09.20 | 12:01

Cvetanova: No negotiations about the Macedonian nation and language

Former Culture Minister Ganka Cvetanova called on the Government to all negotiations about the uniqueness of the Macedonian national identity. The Zaev Government is facing a memorandum that Bulgaria is linking to the opening of EU accession talks with Macedonia, which, among other issues, declares the...

Macedonia 23.09.20 | 12:44

“Macedonians won’t join the EU unless they give their identity away” – Croatian “Jutarnji List” reports on the Bulgarian veto threat

Croatian “Jutarnji List” published an analysis of the political situation in and around Macedonia, and the threat of a Bulgarian veto. Macedonia hopes to finally open EU accession talks by the end of the year, but Bulgaria has a list of historic and national identity concessions it wants...

Macedonia 21.09.20 | 21:28

Although they now deny: In 1948 students in Bulgaria studied the subject “Macedonian language”

The denial of the Macedonian nation, history and language by Bulgaria has no basis in reality, given that the Bulgarian state has officially recognized the existence of a separate Macedonian identity. Proof of this is the fact that the children in Blagoevgrad and the surrounding area studied the subject...

Macedonia 19.09.20 | 22:52

Even Osmani thinks that what Bulgaria asks for is too much, Zaev is silent

The identity is the red line that cannot be negotiated, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said Saturday after the latest blackmail by the eastern neighbor in the form of a Memorandum sent to the EU. This is the first harsh reaction by the Foreign Minister, but there was no reaction from the most called out...

Macedonia 19.09.20 | 13:54

Osmani: We will overcome the differences with Bulgaria with intensive communication

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani emphasized today that he is convinced that the strategic interest of the Republic of Bulgaria is Macedonia to be part of the European Union and believes that all differences will be returned to the framework through intensive communication and continuation...

Macedonia 18.09.20 | 11:21

Milososki demands official information from Osmani on anti-Macedonian Memorandum sent by Bulgaria to EU members

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and current MP of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Antonio Milososki, who is also the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Parliament sent a Request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to submit Information on the anti-Macedonian Memorandum sent from Bulgaria to...

Macedonia 17.09.20 | 12:46

Jakimovski: Macedonia does not negotiate, Macedonia is blackmailed

Karakachanov clearly and loudly told us that this is what is happening to us, that they will block us on the road to the EU. They have a constant attitude towards Macedonia, and that is a negative attitude towards Macedonia. This was not obvious to those who signed the agreement with Bulgaria, Stevce...

Balkans 17.09.20 | 12:20

Bulgaria and Borissov have passed the point of no return

Boyko Borissov, the populist leader of Bulgaria, is facing a popular revolt that will not go away. For more than two months now, thousands of Bulgarians have taken to the streets of Sofia to demand his resignation. They are decrying the government’s failure to address rampant corruption, the influence...

Macedonia 17.09.20 | 10:21

Bulgaria sets new terms for EU talks, accuses Macedonia of “ethnic engineering”

On six pages with long historical explanations for the “state anti-Bulgarian ideology” in Macedonia, Bulgaria sent an explanatory memorandum to the EU member states in anticipation of the decision to start negotiations with the Union. Official Sofia is seeking support for their position on...

Macedonia 15.09.20 | 19:08

Bulgaria starts blocking Macedonia’s accession negotiations with the EU

Bulgaria is blocking Macedonia as part of negotiations on a draft negotiating framework being discussed at EU Council’s Working Party on Enlargement and Countries Negotiating Accession to the Union, a working group of the EU Enlargement Council and countries negotiating accession. Bulgarian sources...

Balkans 03.09.20 | 09:40

Protesters clashed with the police in downtown Sofia

Bulgarian police detained 120 protesters and over 100 officers were injured in clashes that erupted in downtown Sofia yesterday. Opposition supporters summoned by President Rumen Radev took to the streets to demand the resignation of the Boyko Borisov Government, accusing him of corruption and violations...

Balkans 07.08.20 | 13:40

Bulgarian police clear protest camp blockades in capital

The Bulgarian police on Friday cleared illegal protest camps that were blocking roads and enraging citizens during weeks of anti-government demonstrations. Two dozen tents were removed from three main intersections in the capital Sofia, which were erected a week ago without authorization in order to...
